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4corners Alliance Group / financial e-book

Name: Tangeni

Surname :Katokele

Ocupation: Business Information System (IT) student 

Four Corners is a registered and regulated LLC and (Pty)Ltd online/home based business which rewards very handsomely and is worth every cent. I have attached a video for you to listen. Please listen carefully. In this business we are partnering with a company called Four Corners Alliance Group. 

This company promotes and sells Financial Literacy e-books. The online business is started with a once off payment of $28 (±R370)

The amount is broken down into $8 joining fee and $20 for your first 3 Financial E-books, 

We do not have to walk around with the books but we market them online. How?

The system does it all for us. What we only need to do is promote the e-books with our once off payment of $28 (±R370)

There are 36 Modules, 55 e-books for the whole program.

The system begins to promote it for you, you also get a copy of the book as a pdf and you download it to read. 

You are paid to invite other people to come and promote their own e-books too. 

This is how you can make $575,200(R7,300,000) in 6 months.

1.  Join Four Corners Alliance Group for only a one-time payment of $28(±R370)

2.  Invite 4 friends

3.  Help them refer 4 people

4.  They duplicate process 6 times

5.  You earn $575,200(±R7,300,000)in Months 

1US $  =  12.75ZAR


-You already bought your $20 E-books which starts you on Level 1,

-You now invite 4 people,

-You earn $8 (R101) commission per person =$32(R404) your work is done.


-You then move over to level 2. You purchase e-books for $30 (R377) from your savings and not your pocket.

-Those 4 invite 4 more people each =16 people,

-You earn $12 (R151) x 16 people = $192(R2,415)


-You now move over to Level 3, you first purchase your e-books for $60 (R755)

-Those 16 sign up 4 each =64 people

-You earn $24 commission per person x 64 people = $1536 (R19.320)


-You now move over to Level 4, you first purchase your e-books for $100 (R1,258)

-Those 64 sign up 4 people each =256 people

-You earn $40 commission per person x 256 people = $10,240 (R128,804-86)


-You now move over to Level 5, you first purchase your e-books for $175 (R2,201)

-Those 256 people sign up 4 people each =1024 people

-You earn $70 (R880) commission per person x 1024 people = $71,680(R901,634)


-You now move over to Level 6, you first purchase your e-books for $300 (R3,774)

-Those 1024 people each sign up 4 people each =4096 people

-You earn $120 (R1,509) commission per person x 4096 people = $491,520(R6,182,663)

A Total of $575,200 (R7,300,000)

And all you did was pay $28(±R370) and invited only 4 people in your first month and helped them get 4 and you were done. The products that 4 Corners sell is a set of financial education literacy which is downloadable in your back office.

Down here is my link in case you want to join 4corners Alliance and become your own boss.

This article was published on 24.07.2018 by Tangeni Katokele
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