Crowd rising it's a Peer-to-peer Direct Funding Platform. Here we help each other by inviting 5 members under you where you will get R300×5=R1500 straight to your bank details from there you take out R600 upgrade to level 2 where 25 members will deposit R600×25=R15000 Until level 15
the link below willbwill allocate you down lines as well. How? Remember that you only need 5 people in your first team, the 6th person will be placed under the 1st person to register. The system is automated to sort out people or fill in the gaps, but should there be people who say they can recruit on their own they should not wait for the mother link to give them downlines they can carry on registering people under them so that they can receive donations INSTANTLY.
A spillover is when you have reached a maximum number of people required then people will be given to people under you,which means those above will receive Payments from people below. For this to run smoothly people should not stop spreading the word and those who received donations keep motivating people and also attracting people. At the end of the day we all benefit if we work as a team . A mother link ACTS LIKE AN OFFICE IN THE CLOUD.
Level 3-you also upgrade as early as possible (after receiving 2 or 3 donations on level 2 then pay to be on level 3) so that you can receive donations on this level also.That is 900 per person upgrading to this level equals R112,000 & some changes. From here you can buy a second hand car,All of these amounts they will result from just that $20 once off.If you were thinking of starting a business or you have project but were short with finances this is the opportunity to raise money without going to the bank.
That's is why is called (peer to peer) program because you do not pay someone you do not know .The system is automated all you do is confirm in your back office that you have received /sent donations so that the other member will be active so that he can tell people about Cr.
ALL I can say crowdrising is here to change our lives forever join us now and see changesthose who are interested my link is
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