Home Based Business ( MyEcon)
MyEcon was created to help people attain Personal Financial Success. Personal Financial Success is simply having enough cashflow to support our life styles during our working years and Retirement or Financial Freedom Years. During our working years the cashflow is generated by our labor as we work jobs and build businesses, but during our retirement or financial freedom years the cashflow is generated by assets like stocks, bonds, real estate, and retirement accounts. To attain Personal Financial Success, we need to earn enough cashflow to support our lifestyles during our working years and simultaneously invest enough money to build enough assets to generate an adequate Retirement Income. A great example is; If you earn $10,000 annually during your working years and desire the same income during retirement: you will need at least $1,250,000 in your investment account, earning 8% annually, to generate the $100,000 retirement income annually. The Formula is simple, multiply your desired annual retirement income by 12.5 to figure out how much money you need in your retirement account. You will then be able to figure out how much money you need to invest monthly to reach your goal. You can use the term Financial Freedom Fund instead of Retirement Fund. When you have the required capital in your Retirement Fund/Financial Freedom, you may not retire but you have the financial freedom to do so. Increasing your cash flow can be extremely powerful, image what an additional $500 to $5000 dollars monthly can do for your budget. It could help pay off debt quickly, build your retirement fund faster, purchase a new car or even move into your dream house. The opportunity for you to increase your cash flow in My Econ is unlimited, even if you desire six or seven figures annually. The bottom line is, more cashflow gives us more options and more financial freedom. One of the quickest and easiest ways for most associates to increase their cashflow is to correct their W-4. Correcting your W-4 can provide immediate cashflow for investing, debt elimination or lifestyle. You can make the changes to your W-4 using the paper form or by using the IRS's Electronic with-holding Calculator on the IRS Website. Watching the entire video in the BMC Training Center on complete the form may be beneficial. Read the form, fill in the required info. and turn it in to your HR Department. Note: Complete the form by using the instructions, just putting 10 or exempt on the W-4 is not wise or legal. The main objective is to break even with the IRS at the end of each year. The next way to increase your cashflow is to keep good tax records for your Home Based Business. Watch the video in the BMC Traning Center on Cash Flow Manager ( myEcon signup fee, myEcon monthly fee, cell phone bill, internet access bill , mileage, travel, a tax right off. Another way of increasing cash flow is market the following products and services retail to the general public: myCredit System, ID Defender, Road Assure, Travel, All Natural Nutritional Products, Healthy Beverages plus an Online Cash Back Mall. Associates with great credit can enjoy the pleasures of a great lifestyle quicker and for much less cost than associates with poor credit. Paying 100 dollars more monthly on cars, houses, credit cards, utility bills and insurance can add up to a total over payment of hundreds of thousands of dollars over a lifetime. If an associate with poor credit spends $800 more monthly for the same lifestyle as someone with great credit, they will spend $288.00 more dollars over 30 years for the same lifestyle. However, if the associate with bad credit had that $800 monthly for 30 years and invested it a 8% annual rate of return the total value would have been $1,192,287.00. Myecon associate use my credit system to repair, build and maintain great credit. Associates watch short educational videos, download pre-written dispute letters and use myEcon's system to quickly improve their credit score. You will learn how credit works and how to remove outdated and inaccurate records, Address errors on your credit report, Reverse negative items, Collections, Bankruptcy, Judgements, Student Loans, Medical Bills, Repossessions, Forclosure, Tax LIens, Charge offs. By having a Home Base Business, you can write off a lot of your expenses. You can have all of these for $29.95. My Link is https://nneal100.myecon.net/bmc-home/.
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