Make &20 today
MLM will not work if people can not enroll others into the business. And the average network Marketer only enrolls 1.7 new members into any mlm company. That’s the biggest reason most people fail in network marketing. We know too that there are some who are very talented at sponsoring and those people rise to the top and make a lot of money. And what do they do? They try to teach you to be a better recruiter by selling you books to read or by motivational seminars or positive thinking and on and on. The fact is a few more do better but the majority still only sponsors 0-1.7 people into the business and usually end up quitting and calling their old business a pyramid scheme.
So that’s the problem. Would you like to hear my solution?
In stead of sponsoring 1.7 people ok going to ask you to stretch a little bit and sponsor 2. That’s all ...2 ever. That’s the best we can do anyway, right? So let’s work with that handicap and use it to our advantage.
If you can see your way to spending $20 dollars today and you can teach 2 other to spend $20 today here’s what can happen...first you get your $20 back. You will enroll the second person who will pay $20 to your sponsor. This is the most important part of my system and here’s why. The first person you sponsored is going to duplicate what you did. He’s going to enroll one person who will pay him $20 and then enroll a second person for you and that person will pay you another $20. There’s a lot more to this but the main thing you need to know is this. A) You and everyone else from now on only enrolls 2 members. B) you break even on your first enrolled. C) you make your first $20 profit when he enrolls his second person. D) this happens over and over again and again.
Now let’s review what you have.
You only enrolled 2 ( a little better than 1.7). You made a profit of $20 and got your investment back. You are in for free from now on. You have 1 leg that is 2 members deep ( which establishes stability that will keep that leg growing). And you have a 2nd leg that will duplicate your 1st leg. That means they will enroll 2, one for them and 1one for you. Who by the way will also give you another $20. And with all this how many people did you personally enroll? That’s right....2.
Like I said there is a lot more to this and you need to see it to even further your success and make hundreds even thousands of dollars per month. So start by sending me your contact information and $20. No website to deal with. No complicated online marketing to learn. No motivational books to by. Just plain ol easy money to make. Ron Brown, 122 Stable Oaks Dr, liberty Hill, Texas, 78642.
Don’t delay...make $20 TODAY.