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Team Work

When you ask a lot of people what Teamwork in network marketing is, you can bet that 98% of these newbies will tell you that team work in network marketing is when the upline gives a downline to them so they can grow.

But is that really true?

The last time i check the word TEAMWORK, this was what I got:

Teamwork is often a crucial part of a business or work, as it is often necessary for colleagues to work well together, trying their best in any circumstance. Teamwork means that people will try to cooperate, using their individual skills and providing constructive feedback, despite any personal conflict between individuals.

You see, Teamwork has to do with working together to achieve a major course whereby everyone in the team has their own parts to play. Everyone must bring something to the table so the team can win.

Teamwork in Networking can easily be associated with an excellent football team.

You see, every football player has his role to play on the field so that they can win the trophy. You will never see a football player who sits on the floor during a match and complaining about who didn't pass the ball to him.

Because they want to win, every player attacks, defend, dribbles, passes the ball and they work as a team to score the goals that earned them the Victory.

If every networker would start playing their part as a good football team without focusing on spillover but rather on the bigger picture of success and their freedom, it will not be long before everyone in the team will be celebrating their victory in the team.

In conclusion, Teamwork in networking has nothing to do with getting free spillover but rather, it has more to do with everyone playing their parts to see that the team wins.

Therefore, if you're in this MCP Millionaires Family and you're not putting anything on the table and you're just sitting down and expecting manners from above, then you are not a righteous team mate.

Play your part to see that our MCP millionaires family team rules all over the world my friends because the trophy will still come to the family.  

Here is the game plan for everyone in this family; 

Let everyone register at least 2 person per week(this is for the slow members) while the fast members should register as much people as possible.

If you are a slow member and you didn't register even 1 person within 7days, then you're not a real righteous member of this beautiful family.

And by the time you start complaining, I will definitely know and i will ask you some serious and painful questions to drilling you till you start taking action.

No matter how slow you are, I love you all but the right things must be done so everyone can win.

To Your Success

Elijah Falode,



This article was published on 07.02.2017 by Elijah Falode
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