Addabit joining fee
Addabit is a simple social savings club
The aim for addabit is to create a savings culture amongst individual and communities.
Register and become a member with R740
Get R500 instant bonus when you register someone and they activate their account as well
Get travelling discounted packages.
Funeral cover with Liberty from as little as R100 a month
Save and get up to 8 % interest per annual
A subscription is required monthly of 390
From that subscription R200 goes into your savings
150 goes to the business from ur downlines
R50 level 1
R30 level 2
R20 level 3
R50 level 4
10% commission from funeral cover
2% commission when your downlines buy airtym through the site
If you build a team of 5 people you can earn R37000 a month,if you build a team of 10 you can earn up to R500 000 a month.We also have books available on network marketing and investing when your members buy the book you receive R100 per book sold.We have an absa debit card from people in south Africa to withdraw their earnings and we use world remit for people living outside of South .
You can contribute as a stokvel or individual you can create a fund and make it public so that people can contribute towards what ever cause the fund is for.Our savings are with Cartesian Capital which allows us to invest in multiple investment platforms.Addabit is FSP approved with FS number 654.
People can also choose not to be members and become customers and only get a specific product from addabit
Funeral cover only is R100
Savings and travelling only is R250
Addabit debit card only R150
Addabit is about changing lives,instead of preparing for a rainy say rather treat each day as if it is going to be a rainy day.
Addabit funds can be created for multiple reasons.
House and many more
We use an email address to invite those who are outside of south africa.
Make 2020 your year by joining this amazing
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