A better Future and Retirement plan?
Hi everyone . . . . . do you hate recruiting? But want a better future and retirement plan?
Please invest 2 min of your time
and read the reasons why you should join 4 corners alliance group:
1. 4 corners is a legitimate regulated company
2. Has a once off entry cost of r 270 / $ 18
3. Has no monthly fee's
4. People will be placed below you and you will earn even if you
don't bring in one single person
5. We have a mentorship group and you will be mentored on how to
recruit anyway, so if you do manage to recruit you will earn even more, if you
cant you will earn up to r 7 million / $ 559 000 so you cant lose
6. The products are financial literacy so you can learn 32 modules
all about the secrets of the rich, my mindset is logical when i say if you want
money learn about money.
7. Head office is in the us, so the company is heavily regulated
8 company was established in 2011 so has a 5 year record of being
in business
9. 100% of people earn in 4 corners based on the model
10. No monthly fees has 100% retention, meaning no one falls off
the system, this ensures growth is a matter of fact
11. Once in always in so you will see the financial gain and also
have time to learn about the business and model . . . The aim however is to
bring in only 4, the suggestion is bring in those you love the most.
12. Because the cost is low, you have a lot more options to bring
people in.
13. Network marketing is the largest industry in the world
14. Network marketing is the fastest growing industry in the world
15. Network marketing has made more millionaires than any other
industry in the world
16. 4 corners is open in 130 countries
17. 82% of all women in the us that earn r 1.4 million a year and
over, do it in network marketing
18. Our system is designed so you can work form home online and
spend as little as 10 min a day
19. I have guestimated your matrix will be filled in 1-3 years = r
7.5 million, but it can be done in 6 weeks
20. We are ranked 109 out of 25 000 network marketing companies
21. Procrastination is the mother of poverty
22. You get paid in us$
23. Its the only industry that booms in a recession
24. As you are running a business from home you have opened a door
to claim back for taxes you wouldn't normally be able to.
25. Its can be passed onto your loved ones once you die and leave
them with a legacy
26. You receive a website, this helps you with advertising and
administration of your business
I don't know what else to tell you, there are no negatives other
than what your mind can make up. No one can give you r7 million for paying only
r270 in a million years.
Spending r270 will never really make you any worse off than you
are now. However, with 4 corners, it will insanely boost your pocket in the
long run.
Visit my Website on http://www.the4csolution.com/lcp/form-reveal2/sekowepc or send me a WHATSAPP messeage now +27 72 177 1337. You can even send me an email address to madonselapc@gmail.com
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