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You may not know it, so you should take time to learn.

By now someone has asked you to define your why. By now you have come to realize it is much harder to define your why than you may have thought. When I started out in network marketing, I was asked this question. I don't know if I have ever been able to write down my true why, until now. 

Since joining this company I have found my true why. Once you understand the true value of the company, the products, the business model, and most importantly why you were drawn to them, you will be able to find your true why. If you can not tell someone your true why, you may be in the wrong place.

If you have been with multple companies, its okay. You have proably had many jobs. The reason you are not doing your first job is because it was not fulfilling either by way of excitement or money. Eitherway, its okay to make changes. 

I was a real estate broker for over 20 years. I loved the money, meeting new people, finding solutions. The money kept me going but you can only do something so long that does not fulfill the passion inside you. So, I was always on the hunt for that passion. I joined many mlm companies on the lotto system. You know, buy a ticket (become an associate), shared it with 10, 20 or 100 people and then fizzeled out. Most all of us have been there. 

I was looking for something with a huge purpose. Of course I wanted money, but we all know when you do not feel 100%, your not going to give 100%. You really need to become involved in the company to the point that you know you belong there. You have to experiance the product and see others have experiances to develop your unwavering belief. You have to allow yourself to become the person you want to be in that company. The path to becoming the person you want to be is the hardest. 

You may be wondering if this mlm thing is the right thing for you. I promise it can be. I have grown in so many ways since I began my search for my why. I have made many new friends and said goodbye to many old ways. 

When I was in the process of learning about my company, I watched videos, I read a lot, I talked to a lot of my sponsor's upline. The most important step I took was attending a meeting. At that meeting, I spoke with folks that were pationate about their experiances with the products. I listened to them talk about things that excited me. I could see myself bringing these products to my friends and family. It was not about me being able to sell them. It was the fact that everyone I knew needed to know about the value and impact the products would have on their lives and the lives of those they knew. 

Do your research, but the most important step to take toward finding your why is attend the meetings and talk to those involved. I gladly invite you to join me or one of my associates at one of our meetings and start down the path of finding your true why

My Why: I love being part of individual success stories. Since I was young I wanted to find a way to live forever. I am doing this to create a legacy income stream and live forever in the hearts and minds of others and the stories that will be told long after I am gone.  

Best wishes to you in your search for your why.

 If you would like to find out, how I this business helped me discover my why, please contact me.

This article was published on 29.05.2016 by John Miller
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