I am a writer and also have passion for Agriculture, I was looking for a way to achieve my dreams because I came from a middle-class home. Both of my parents are retired civil servants when i gained admission into University (you know what that means right in Nigeria), I had to live on my own business and again, use my talents to sponsor myself while in school.
So one day, I received a invitation call from Aim Global office for a session. I saw the business and two days after, I became really interested, Getting the money was very difficult for me because as at that time, I was scammed of all my savings in a Forex scheme in my school. So, I had to pay in installment, Weeks after, i balanced up and signed up for the business.
My main aim of joining this business was not because of the money only, but it stands on building people which is linked to my goals. The business has been providing me the ability to relate with people because as a matter of fact, I was a very shy person. It has developed my ability of networking, and creating confidence. Talking about the financial security, it is guaranteed. I am just 21, and i am earning a lot...
What excited me the most about this business is relating with people who have the same vision, mission with mine and dedicated to it.
Joining the AIM GLOBAL family has proven to be fruitful. If you have the spirit to help people and yourself. This is where to be- The Best Network Marketing Company; providing Time Freedom, Health Freedom and Financial Freedom.
For a couple of days now, businesses are stopped, government officials from level 12 and below can't go to work, alot of economic activities that enhances living is on hold. The big question is *how do you plan to get money coming in and survive this pandemic?*
Two things will continuously sell in weeks and months from now.
1. Home-based business (e-business, just name it!)
2. Food-based business (and I'm sure not many of you can sell food stuffs)
Even gaari, beans, rice and all the likes are now riding in the wings of the internet.
During this Covid19 pandemic....... logistics and delivery companies in China, and soon in Nigeria as seen in some states already are the only personel permited to move on the street.
*Food are delivered at doorsteps*
*In Italy, only old folks are allowed to get drugs from pharmaceuticals*
*In South Africa, rubber bullets are used to scare people away to their residents*
*In Kaduna State, armed military officials are seen interrogating people for breaking laws*
*In Aba and Onitsha, traders are stranded and can't travel back to their base to see their family due to the imposed curfew declared*
Everything is halted. But do you realise that your phone in this connected economy at its peak now?You can jump right in to get started,
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