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This is all about providing a solution for persons. Being an entrepreneur lets you add value and learn to be receptive. Yes. You give and then get. Keep the cycle going and your network growing. Sometimes this self proclaimed title makes you give away more value than what is sensible, but the rewards are great even if not financial.

You don't need to be in a network marketing company to see the need for a network and leads. A matter of fact, leads must be an ever growing list to obtain some of the success some of us are looking for. No matter what product or service you are providing you need to be networking. You need to be getting leads. Whether old school way or online lead generation. If persons don't know what you are offering then they don't buy. If they don't buy you don't make money.

So get with the program of entrepreneurship. You must be brave yet calm. To face the many challenges that will come your way.  You don't want to be flusterred, because that will prevent proper brain activity to find the best solution to your problem. To be a successful entrepreneur you must be adding value to those in your reach. Then you must be reaching many lives. The more individuals you add value to the more pathways to new linkages you start. A chain reaction for your business. 

Resilience and persistence is necessary for your success. However, it is key that you are ever learning- as much a student as you are a teacher so that you can see when you are being persistent with an idea or dream that will not be fruitful. resilience will be neccessary when the nay sayers pour out their neagtivity on you. But your fixation on the positive goal keep the negativity rolling off you and you constantly moving forward to your dreams. Talking about goals and dreams, an entrepreneur must quantify his dreams so that his brain has something specific to work towards. Your dreams are what caused you to be an entrepreneur in the first place. Being an entrepreneur is your solution to obtaining your dreams, while you solve the problems of others around you.

Finally, you must leave yourself open to recieve from those you served. It's their way of saying thank you. So welcome their gratitude. You will also recieve from those you did not serve directly because that is how God or LIfe  or Nature repays for good deeds. Being an entrepreneurship is like breathing. It is true that you must add value and give away more value than is deserved. But giving alone will soon make you broke and worst poor. So when you 'EXHALE' let reflex make you 'INHALE'.
This article was published on 01.10.2016 by Khalil Howell
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