Futurenet bingt in einem Monat seine eigene Cryptwährung heraus den Futuro Coin
Ok guys... info about FutureNet COIN..
The new coin will be Futuro Coin.
There will be 100 million coins.
. 10% for Royal position in FutureNet
. 20% for Cloud mining
Damit Ihr in den Genuss von den FuturoCoins kommt müsst Ihr Euch noch schnell bei Futurenet anmelden!! Einfach auf den Einladungslink klicken und kostenlos anmelden.
. 70% for mining over 10 years
. It will cost 100$ to start mining your coins
. 1 time payment, and it will keep giving to coins for 10 years,
,, WOW.. passive income There will also be a networking 10% direct sales. up to 30% matching bonus.
There will be a car bonus up to 3000$ per month.
The coin will launch with in 1 month.
What is important to state here is when the coin goes online..
it will be direct on the their own blockchain.
that mean its a direct exchange, so what to buy today, you can sell tomorrow..