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The #1 thing most people overlook...Do you know what it is?

Greetings Fellow Marketers:

Failure is not an option, it is mandatory! Behind every successful business person is a rocky road of failures! Ironically If you stick it out long enough though failure will eventually lead you to success…but there really is a way to mitigate this!

It is my deep belief that, If you first help others to be successful, you will by default be successful.

And there truly is no better reward for me, then to see someone I have mentored, realize their dreams because of my helping them!

The problem…

In my 22 years of Sales and marketing I have discovered, that there are a great many things that will either make or break your success, with an on-line business! The sheer number of articles written about peoples trials, tribulations and successes in business, covering tens of thousands of scenarios--in of itself, is testimony to the fact--that there are literally millions of wrong ways--but a more elusive, finite amount of right ways to make bank online…and all of this based on decisions we must make, to gain success, but don’t have the experience/understanding to make the right choices! This article can help you to make good Biz-Op decisions.

In many cases, all it takes is 1 or 2 setbacks or disappointments with our new bizop and the luster quickly fades. This happens to tens of thousands of people each day around the world, and most always spells certain failure, because by then we won’t have the strength or the gumption to get over it. What was once shimmering curb appeal is now reduced to disappointment and then old hat. And in our self-medicating society, we distill to “What’s next” and let’s go look for the next shiny thing and see if it will work for us-- mentality? I feel for all of you who have been there and appeal for you to read on…because I have been there many times myself and believe I have an answer for you!

But before we go there, do you think you have what it takes?

The six “YES’s”…

If you can do the six “Yes’s” perfectly you will be RICH…with a caveat…or rather with a question—HOW GOOD IS YOUR PROGRAM… REALLY?

(1)    YES…it does take hard work!

(2)    YES…it does take perseverance!

(3)    YES…it does take money!

(4)    YES…it does take good decision making!

(5)    YES…you must dedicate yourself to those you sponsor!

(6)    And Yes…It takes a good vehicle (And I don’t mean your car!)

But what if I told you, you can mitigate a lot of what the “yes’s” entail? For instance, if you are an expert at something… then go and find a bizop that utilizes your expertise! This way you mitigate a lot of the good decision making (4)Yes. And most of the hard working (1)Yes. Because you will not need to spend countless hours learning something new. Of course there are other criteria you will want to examine before jumping in.

The first and quite possibly biggest issue most people face, right off the bat “Is their opportunity had great curb appeal luring them in. (Boy were excited now, what a beautiful Curb!) (Oh Yes, were doing this biz, yes this is my great biz…love,. love,.. love,… like,…. like,….. yuk!!) Yes the love affair turns yucky after some time goes by and we’ve made no sales. Then the shine (metaphorically) starts to take on a duller appearance, and the curb gives way to an abandoned parking lot. Then for any number of other reasons, it seems to get harder and harder to make it work. (sound familiar?)

Do what you Know… To be successful at what you do! Or do what successful people do!

When it comes to choosing an opportunity, In my opinion (for whatever it’s worth) You must first understand “Ground Rule Criteria” This just means, the absolute things your new program must possess or not possess, to make the grade. The grade being it is 100% perfect for you and will last beyond your lifetime! And yes they do exist.

Learning to decipher if a biz-op is worth your time and money takes experience and lots of failures? This is just a simple truth in the Biz-Op space. They can all look and sound astounding on the outside, while they so cleverly disguise the pitfalls about their workings on the inside. And you can only really discover the short comings by joining, or trust someone else's word on it. You could ask yourself this though: Do you want to experience a number of failures and losses or would you rather just go straight to success? Okay I know, that’s a no brainer question! But I have a follow up to that.

When I look through the myriad of biz-ops online, And the 80+ biz-ops I have been a part of over the years, only a hand full are still going. This makes me wonder how many of the current biz-Ops will be here in 5 years? Or how about even 1 year? I venture to say many won’t be here in 6 months. And with that said how good are these businesses really? And how many do you have to waste time and money on before you get lucky or exhaust the road of hard knocks and give up, as many others have?  

So I have a perfect solution. DON’T pick your opportunity, because more than 90% of all internet business start-ups fail within the first 120 days and most of the failures come from inexperience and having the wrong vehicle! The answer is to let someone you trust pick it for you! To put it in more practical terms… FIND A SPONSOR WHO WILL TIRELESSLY WORK TO HELP MAKE YOU SUCCESSFUL. You can call them a mentor? And get it in writing! And that is exactly what I am offering you!

So here’s the deal… Okay I know I have just taken you through what seems like the Cretaceous Period, but there is a means to all this. The opportunity I am offering, was created by a genius who was featured on SHARK TANK! This Gives Major Credibility to the program. The Program Is Called “5050 Crowd Funding” and I was the 9th person over all to join! This means you will always be very close to the top and surrounded by some of the planet’s greatest marketers! I have access to most all of them. The 5050 Crowd Funding Opportunity seen in my profile, truly is the single best opportunity for making money quickly and easily, that I have ever seen in my 22 years of experience. And FYI, I am currently working several other programs which I think are great. But 5050 has my vote for the best program on the internet today. The 5050 founder has stated that there should be over a million members by spring of 2019 and the program is a little over 6 weeks old as of the writing of this business announcement 12-2018. The 1st program created by the leadership is still going strong and was created back in 2002! Many people believe that 5050 will be still be going strong at the turn of this century! To date 5050 has a number of people making over $10,000 a day and climbing with expected daily earnings exceeding $100,000.

To continue all who join me will receive there own custom made splash page (Free Of Charge) like the one seen here: and of course a signed commitment document from me to ensure I am there to help you achieve success!  I am also offering to do a screen share to show what this amazing opportunity looks like from the inside--Out! So there will be no question about it's excellence!

Finally I am looking for a select number of individuals who would like to become leaders in this inevitable giant! There is so much more I have to offer you that is not stated here…and with that I encourage you to join me and let me help you achieve your full potential!



This article was published on 10.12.2018 by Bobby Ziegler
Member comments:

Thabiso Khumalo I'm interested   6 years ago
Thabiso Khumalo  6 years ago
Thabiso Khumalo Nice business. The name of my business it 4cornes you pay $28 to join. And recruit 4people. And start earning lot of money by only recruiting 4people..   6 years ago

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