Join AdvoCare today!....Here's why
Hi everyone!
I fly to Dallas tomorrow for Advocares success school! There will be roughly 18,000 people there! It is way out of my comfort zone! But, I cannot say enough good things about being with this company. I joined late November of last year. I started products in December & I down 48 lbs. My team has become family. We are all good friends & do get togethers, attend kids' bday parties, etc. They are the best support system & most encouraging people I have ever had in my life. The products are phenomenal & they work. $59 to join as a distributor! $20 to join as a preferred customer (no autoships or minimums) up to 40% off products!
They have products for weight loss, energy, endurance, stress, rehydration, muscle gain, workouts. Snacks, meal replacement, nutrition, protein, supplements, the works! And. They. Work!
Here is my why...
I was in a really bad place in my life when a friend introduced me to advocare. I had separated from my husband & my life was a mess. He gave me samples of Spark, for energy, & Oasis, to help with my stress. Within a week I felt good...I hadn't felt good for months. My energy level was great. I had been drinking 2-3, 12-16oz, redbulls a day & I was no longer drinking any. My mood & sleep had improved. I then started the bye bye belly challenge for weight loss. My first month I lost weight & inches, but I felt so good! I was motivated! My team was behind me every step of the way & I gained family in a time I really needed it. I was never just a number. In January I bought the slim & trim bundle. I am currently down 48 lbs. I have gone from a size 26 to 20/22. I get a full nights sleep, I have outstanding energy, great mood & less aches & pains! I honestly can't say enough good things about AdvoCare or my team. My YES is something I will forever be proud of!
Say YES and create your why. You will honestly be glad that you did. And you will have your team with you every step of the way. We are in it together. No one is just a one is just another sign up. Ever.
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