My Journey with Betterware
Hi, my name is Alex Randall and I am from Middlesbrough in the UK. I have been in the MLM (networking marketing) since 2008 when I first joined the Betterware brand, but in 2012 I left as in move from Thornaby to Middlesbrough.
In 2015 Betterware was bought out by a company called JRJR Ltd, which croused the collapse of Betterware and its newly formed sister company Kleeneze in April 2018. Very shortly after the collapse of Betterware Ltd, the current CEO Bought out the Company and formed Betterware Global Ltd trading at Betterware UK & Betterware Ireland. On the 1st Feb 2019 Betterware relauched its first new catalogue since the collapse. That's when I rejoined the Betterware brand, I then Spent the first year getting to know the new style Betterware and in March 2020 I decided to start addvertising the opportunity and form my own Betterware team. At the end March 2020 I got my first recruit and by the end of April 2020 I have built my 1st Line team to 9 members and a full team of 35 (that made up of 1st, 2nd and 3rd line members).
With Betterware you get:-
- 25% Commision.
- Free Website Shop with 25 best selling products or for £10 p/m you can get the full website with 400+ products.
- Opportunity to become a team leader team leaders earn 6% commision on their 1st line and then 1% on their 2nd, 3rd and 4th line.
We also have the Betterware Discount Club which earns each distributor £5 for every customer that joins the club, Betterware are also looking at new waying for us to earning with the introduction of Betterware mortgages coming soon.
At the moment this opportunity is only available in the UK & Ireland, but watch this space as Betterware are looking to expand into other countries, so we could land in to your country soon.
If you like the sound of this opportunity and want to find out more or if you want to join (if your are in the UK or Ireland), You can:-
- call email me at
- visit
If you want to Join be quick as its only £/€2.50 for May in June it will go back up to £12 / €15
Thank you for reading and I hope to see you in my Team soon
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