Get paid up to 36.5% of revenue generated
That's not a typo. Most MLM's make you wait until you have substantial downline but not us... we pay up to 36.5% of revenue you generate by those you sign up and who they sign up... yes, 1st & 2nd levels and another 5% up to 8 levels down. So the bulk of the money made is immediate, you're not waiting for others to go to work, and more controllable. Everybody uses the internet to market so why not get paid for it while offering artificial intelligence to do all the marketing for them.
- web pages
- online ads
- social media ads
- email marketing
- Analytics
all for under $100/month and refer 3, get it for free... yes with 3, your monthly subion is wiped out. So customers see the benefit of using A.I. to target new customers, drive more traffic, etc and getting it for free drives more revenue to you with the 3 new customers you didn't know before today. There are more details and ways to make significant monthly commission so let's get you started today. Contact me
Drop a pin on the map, set the radius and let our A.I. target new customers when they search on their smart pop up. A.I. will also build your web site(s), post social media ads, blog and email all of your contacts for you with just a click of the mouse. Plus A.I. works your marketing 24/7 365... A.I. will never have a bad day, fight with their spouse, need a bathroom or cigarette break or ever quit after an 8 hr shift.... no human will ever work that hard. While they're building more business, you're building more income. Ready to get started today?
You can find a site I made detailing the income stream on your 1st & 2nd levels alone.... then add in 5% through 8 levels on top of that. This is a game changer.
First stop, get 3 to get it free. Second stop, getting $1000 revenue to generate $365 back to yourself... then $1000/month, and then $2000 and on and on. First and second levels alone drive money to you. Affiliate marketing, not multi level marketing.
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