Belle Scott Boutique- My passion!!!
I ran across a post advertising the cutest T-shirts and asking others to join a brand new networking opportunity. This opportunity gives people the chance to run their own online boutique. I thought why not?!? I do have a full time job that I love but it would be nice to generate extra income on the side. Its also nice to get in on something at the very beginning. I went for it! This business was created December 2017. I joined this business January 2018. I love that I could name my boutique and make it my own. I advertise the shirts, hats, boutique items that I want to advertise. How cool is that!! I can make this to fit my personality. We also have new items added daily so always having the chance to offer something new really appealed to me. The most important job I have is being a Mom. My 2 girls mean the world to me!!! I decided to combine their middle names to name my Boutique. That’s when Belle Scott Boutique was born. � The extra income this opportunity provides me has helped my family so much! I just let the money accumulate onto a debit card provided by the company. Then when we go on vacations or want to do something fun out.. I have the money! It’s absolutely FREE to try out for 30 days! I love this because you can join, sell and keep all commissions made even if you decide this is not a good fit for you. The great thing is that if you decide this is a good fit.... only $9.99 a month to maintain website. That is the only cost involved with this business. ( Pretty Awesome!!) I also run a chat group with my team. We encourage each other, ask questions and post info about this business. We share ideas on how to sell these shirts, hats and boutique items. There is also other groups where training, graphics and support is offered! It’s important to me that everyone feels supported in this business and is not alone! I’ve been in this company now for 14 months, I’ve made such wonderful friends, I’m building a growing team, I have a closet full of cute tee’s and hats, I get paid every Friday and I absolutely LOVE helping other people start and run their own online boutique business too!
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