What are you really seeking?
What are you really seeking?
Many of us join network marketing or MLM to escape something or find 'another way'.
At some point during that journey we often lose sight of the original reason for 'taking the leap', so speak.
Why does that happen?
Well interestingly, a friend of mine, Richard without realising it, touched on the same subject when discussing the decline in interaction on Facebook.
Information overload was the general consensus, and here I am adding yet more words to the millions of articles and blogs, which now appear everywhere.
Here though is a difference, since MLM Gateway request unique copy, written by us.
So maybe the question should go to the owners of MLM Gateway – what are you really seeking?
Most copy is not unique, since it is often a rehash of other people's views and their thoughts.
You know the person you meet?
The IBE, what we in the industry call Instant Bleeding Expert, not to be confused with the GUPTR (Generally Uninformed People Talking Rubbish), who will be found everywhere online explaining why a business will fail without any direct experience sometimes called a dream stealer.
So hands up here, I can often be seen in some Facebook groups trying to stop the scams being promoted. However, I base that on research, rather than guesses. Big difference in my book.
Then you have the industry commentators and trainers, people such as Randy Gage, Art Jonak, Big Al, Todd Falcone and Ray Higdon.
Although, I follow them all, I also choose others to give a more balanced view on life and business, and two jump out: Jay Shetty and Simon Sinek. You can find both on YouTube and I do suggest following them.
In addition, I read – constantly. I have a book on the go every month, and luckily in my business, we have a deal with Knowledge is King, where for £10 a month we get the latest offering.
So perhaps we are seeking guidance or personal development?
Often, people suggest MLM is personal development with an income earning opportunity attached?
That is how I see the business I work with – twenty years ago, I was a different person to who I am today and most of that is down to the personal and company development provided.
With over £2.5 million invested by the company every year in training, they are massively focused on helping each of us achieve the best.
If you are really interested in seeing who I am working with there is a link below?
I would caution you here:
It is not for everyone, and yet everyone can succeed, and two key words come into play here:
Persistency and Consistency.
So who am I seeking? SAMs for short.
Socially Active
Motivated people.
Could that be you?
With the recent exciting announcements at the annual conference last month, this business might fit the bill, but do you?
Your choice, please, let me know via the link below.?
Off out for coffee and cake
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