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MLM is NOT a numbers game!

Everyone that has ever been involved in an MLM has heard it...  "MLM is a numbers game".  You hear it on conference calls, you hear it from your upline, you see it in your business presentations, you probably even tell your downline the same thing.  But- what you see, hear, and say couldn't be further from the truth!

How many of you have heard those words come out of the mouth of your upline?  Perhaps some "MLM Guru" guest speaker on your weekly conference call said it.  Your MLM probably even talks about the power of numbers.

It probably looks something like this: "With just 3 personal enrollments, you will get $30.  Now imagine if those 3 each got 3...  That's an extra $45!  And if those 3 each got 3..."

The LOTTERY is a numbers game.  If you treat your MLM like a numbers game, your chances of making any real money are about as good as your chances of winning the lottery!  Would you join an MLM who told you that your chances of making any real money were 1 in 258,890,850 (odds of winning the top prize in the Mega Millions)?  Of course you wouldn't!

So, if MLM isn't a numbers game, what is it?

First, MLM is NOT a game!  It is a BUSINESS.  I have said it before, and I will say it again...  You must understand that MLM is a business.  You must treat it like a business.  If you do not, YOU WILL FAIL.

Second, MLM is a PEOPLE business.  Who buys your products?  People.  Who are your business builders?  People.  Who attend your meetings?  People.

People are consumers.  People have dreams of financial freedom.  People join people.

Numbers are not consumers.  Numbers don't have dreams of financial freedom.  People don't join numbers.

How would you feel if your sponsor called you tonight and said "Hey, 12345, I just wanted to call you and say your a good number and if you can just get 3 more numbers to join your business, you will make some money!"  Friend, I am here to tell you that every time they tell you MLM is a numbers game, that is exactly what they are saying to you.

Now don't get me wrong, you aren't going to make your first million with just one person in your organization.  You do need to have a certain number of people making purchases month after month to get there.  But, when you start treating these people like numbers, sooner or later they WILL realize it.  Once they do, they WILL leave you!

In conclusion, stop chasing numbers!  Stop worrying about recruiting 2, 3, 5, or even 10 people into your organization!  Take the time to find just one person who has the DESIRE for what you are selling...  Develop a positive relationship with that person...  Enroll them into your business, and then do it again...  ONE PERSON AT A TIME.

This article was published on 07.11.2016 by Chris Kuhlman
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