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How I recruited over 150 people personally into my Network Marketing Business

Here is your free guide. “How to Recruit an Empire – The Pathway to Financial Freedom. This guide  will show you how I recruited over 150 people personally into my network marketing business.

I was introduced to Network Marketing over 10 years ago while I was working for a law firm in Atlanta Georgia as a Trial Attorney. 

I worked up to 70 hours a week and sometimes seven days a week. I had no time to spend with family and I even had to cancel my vacation because of my job. 

A young man invited me to an opportunity meeting where I heard about a great product and how I would be able to leverage my time by enrolling other business builders into my team. 

I contacted all my friends and family members. I did home meetings and I even called my former classmates. I signed up some people for my product and even built a small team. 

My entire team quit. I built another team but most of them quit because of the rejection we face in network marketing.

 I was about to quit when I heard about one of the partners at my law firm who had been practicing law for over 35 years and making over $500,000 a year.

He became sick, he could not work, and he ended up losing most of his clients, losing his home, and even having one of his cars repossessed. 

I thought to myself. What if he were in network marketing and over the last 10 years, what if he built a team and created leveraged income and residual income, he would not have found himself in this situation at the age of 66. That is when I decided to find a way to build my business. 

I went online to find a way to recruit and build a team on social media. My research led me to a 7-figure online network marketing trainer. Through training and coaching I learned how to generate leads for my network marketing business. 

I was recognized as the number one recruiter in my global company and I teach my team how to build their businesses online. 

Now I have so much time freedom. My family and I have been to Canada, Mexico, Germany, South Africa, and West Africa.

Now I teach network marketers from different companies how to build their businesses online. When you have a system where prospects contact you every day, you will never run out of leads.

 Finally, no more prospecting, no more rejection, no more fear and anxiety. My free 17-minute webinar “The Network Marketing Online Masterclass” will show you exactly what to do. 

This article was published on 19.11.2020 by Eric F. King
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Marilyn Kenoly Thanks for the Free Guide Eric! I will join the Masterclass this weekend!  3 years ago

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