No Time Like the Present!
It's so easy, don't you think, to just coast along with your usual routine day after day? There's nothing quite like that "comfort zone". But after the year we've had, I find myself speaking to many individuals that are spending time questioning their daily habits and wondering just where they're going. Sort of an early mid-life crisis if you will!
I fully understand that kind of pondering, and think it's an opportunity to really step up and make some changes. All too often we ignore the prompts that life sends us, but I believe now is the time to really take stock.
I posted a saying recently on my Facebook page, "and suddenly you just know it's time to start something new, and trust the magic of beginnings". I'm not sure if someone famous said that, but it certainly resonated with me and many of my followers.
Some key worlds there - trust and magic of beginnings.
I wonder if that's the issue really - maybe we don't trust ourselves enough, and forget the magic of the new, and focus instead on fear and failure - the "what if's".
So, maybe you should ask yourself,
- if I'm not entirely happy now, what is it that is creating the unhappiness?
- what would I change if I could?
- what is it that I really and truly want for myself or my family and
- why am I not doing it?
- parents, teachers, friends telling you their failure stories?
- people who aren't successes themselves or who have never taken a chance?
- partners who fear change and maybe make you feel guilty for wanting to?
So what am I ultimately saying? My musings over the years, and most recently these past 12 months have brought me to the stage of decision making. There's no time like the present. #Get it done # make it happen #createyourgoals #changeyourlife. Not tomorrow. Today.
Thanks for your time. My name is Zsuzsa (Ziggy to those who find it easier!) and you're invited to visit my website and learn more about me and my business. Who knows, maybe it's something that is right for you too.
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