Business Posts on Facebook Getting No Traction? Do This Instead!
It's no surprise that Facebook is still practically the number 1 platform in which networkers tend to promote the most.
But with varying degrees of success.
You'll see some posts get some pretty decent traction while others get literally no traction.
So what is the difference between promotional posts that actually get engagement versus ones that don't get any engagement?
For starters, Facebook has been and always will be an entertainment platform.
Nobody and I mean almost NOBODY cares to see a business promotion post. Because that's not what they're looking for.
Which is why posts that simply promote your business and/or contain affiliate links get next to zero engagement.
But what about the posts that do promote but can actually get traction?
To get the deep dive of how that works, you can click here to get the Free 5-Day Posting for Profits challenge.
But to briefly explain the traction posts, here's the major differences:
#1: Networkers whose posts are actually getting traction know and understand a very specific pain point or problem about their audience.
#2: They don't post content promoting their business but instead promote their products and the benefits they've experienced with them.
#3: They post content addressing their audience's biggest pain points and present a solution for those pain points.
The difference between the typical business promotion posts versus the product promotion posts?
Is that product posts (when done right) actually capture peoples' attention by addressing something that they already struggle with and want an actual solution for.
Business promotions rarely do that if at all.
Your job as a networker isn't to be a recruiter as many might believe.
But it is your job to understand and address the biggest problem that your audience struggles with and present to them a solution that they've been looking.
It could be health related.
It could be weight loss related.
It could be time related.
It could be money related.
Whatever the problem is, it's always worth addressing.
And when you get your hands on the 5-Day Posting for profits Challenge by clicking here, you're going to do exactly that.
You're going to create your very own engaging posts that will capture the attention of your target audience without the need to promote your company directly.
And you're going to be able to create many more interested prospects WITHOUT the need for paid ads or posting in other spam based network marketing groups.
So if you haven't already, check out the 5-Day Posting for Profits Challenge above!
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