How MLM Gateway Business Announcements Can Get You To The Top Of Google Searches

Is it real?
Can writing MLM Gateway business announcements really get you on the top page of Google search engine results?
The answer is Yes, and I've done it for some keywords.
I've seen others do it with different other keywords.
So today we will focus on how to maximize your chances of getting a MLM Gateway business announcement to the top page of a Google search.
Why Does It Matter?
If you are not aware of why getting top rankings on search engines matter, then I'll explain.
When people go looking for specific things online, and they find your content, they are most likely going to buy from you.
Or even.. become a lead for you.
If you are who they find, then there are many benefits that can come from it.
So getting more and more content to the top of Google and other search engines really matter a lot, period.
How To Get To The Top
There is no promises any specific business announcement on MLM Gateway will hit page 1.
But the more you create, and the more you focus on getting your SEO better, the chances increase.
So first step is to make business announcements, and make them often.
Then follow the simple formula below, to increase odds of getting to the top of any search engines.
#1. Keywords
What is it you'd like to rank for?
Focus on using keywords that are less searched for starters.
Low searched keywords will be more likely to hit page 1, as the competition is less.
Plus having the authority of MLM Gateway, it increases your content to be considered over others.
Search for low searched keywords, and add them into the title and body of the announcement.
#2. Add Images And Videos
If you have images and videos for the content you create, add them.
Google and other search engines love content that offers more.
Having videos really increases the odds of an announcement ranking.
If I were to try and rank this one, I'd make a video for it.
#3. Include Keywords In Links and Images
When you go to add images and links, you have a place to put a title.
Use the keyword you are trying to rank for in that field
It helps increase the odds in your favor.
#4. Use No Follow Links
Here's a tricky one!
But the way you do this is as follows:
Open the announcement in HTML or "<>" at the top left menu.
Find the link.
Where you see the link you'll want to add the code "rel="nofollow" right before the ward "target" that follows the end of the link.
Here's the example: target"noopener".... rel="nofollow"target"noopener"
#5. Promote It
Share your announcements on more then just MLM Gateway.
If your content gets good views, and comments, it gets better search results.
Share it all over social media, and you can even re-share it time and time again.
The idea behind this is to increase more exposure and views to it, so keep promoting it.
Practice Makes Perfect
I may create an announcement and video that dives really deep into this topic soon.
But til then, remember that practice makes perfect.
The more you do this, the more you learn.
The better you get.
So just keep practicing looking for keywords to write content on, and making content around that keyword.
Just remember start on low searched keywords first, and you'll find that organic traffic begins to come much faster then going for the large keywords.
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