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This is HUGE training, so I really want you to pay attention and fully understand what I’m trying to teach you. You have a vision for what you want in life and later in this guide you will learn how to set those necessary goals to have that vision come to life. But what’s really important here is the vehicle that’s going to allow you to get to where you want to go. You need to trust your company’s vehicle and the “path” to get to your next stop.

Take a close look at this picture. What do you see? Some will say they see a car driving down a dark road, but I see something else. What I see is your vehicle to FREEDOM and that vehicle is your MLM business. This vehicle is going to take you to a place you may have never thought possible.

There you are… leaving Florida heading to California. It’s really dark and you have no idea how you’re going to get to California, but you do know you have to get there. It’s late at night, the roads are dark with little to no light and you can’t see more than 100 feet in front of you. You’re scared, you’re nervous, you’re traveling alone and you’re wondering how long it’s going to take to get to your destination. It’s a scary thought for anyone traveling this far.

Your journey to California is NO different than your MLM journey. You have to know where you’re going before you can get there. Right…? So as you planned your trip, you probably estimated your travel and lodging expenses, the time it was going to take you to get there, where you were going to sleep, who you were going to hook up with along the way, how long per day you were going to drive and so on. You probably even had your car checked out to make sure it was ready or properly “equipped” to make the journey. You topped off all your fluids, checked your battery and tires and had your vehicle inspected from front to back. Why? Because it’s a long trip… it’s not a quick drive to a friend’s house who lives 20 minutes away. You wanted to make sure you got to California without any car trouble. It’s no different in your business. You have to be “equipped” to make the journey to your first rank or higher, you have to top off your fluids by getting knowledge, by getting focused, by setting goals, by following what’s asked of you, and by introducing your leads to your leaders.

You didn’t just get in your car and head to California without a plan or without setting up your car for success. You knew exactly what it was going to take to get you out of Florida, so you took those steps for success. So what is your plan or your route to go from a new IBO to the first rank 1-3 ranks in your company? This needs to be planned in the same way. What’s your next stop and how are you going to get there?

Once you have your plan in place… you have to MOVE. You have to get in your car, you have to follow the right roads, you have to pay attention, you have to stay focused on the road and you have to keep your feet on the pedal. If you get distracted, you crash, and that same principle applies in your company. If you’re distracted by negativity of any kind, a weak “WHY” or by another opportunity, you’re going to crash.

As you begin your journey to California in the “dark”, you’re confident you will get there even though you can only see 100 feet in front of you at a time. You don’t have to see the “entire” road ahead of you to get to your destination. All you have to do is rely on those 100 foot increments. You don’t have to see 3 miles in front of you to get from FL to CA. It’s no different in your MLM business. You don’t have to see too far ahead to reach your goals or to reach the first few ranks in your company, you just have to make sure you’re on the right road, that you’re focused on what’s in front of you, and that you allow the vehicle to get you to your destination.

When you left your home, you didn’t know for sure what was going to be in your path, but I know this much… you knew what it took to get you from your home and onto the highway and you knew you had to travel West. Your MLM business is no different. What does it take to leave your house, get on the highway, and get to your first few ranks? YOU MUST KNOW what it’s going to take to get there, so set your PATH.

No matter how much you plan ahead to make that trip, you know there is a great risk of hitting a number of pot holes, you know you will face inclement weather, massive traffic delays, possible car trouble, long and dark roads, expensive tolls, roadblocks and closed roads and bridges that will take you on another route, but you still knew you would reach California… however long it took and no matter what the obstacles were. Even with all those experiences, good or bad… you know you’re still going to get to your DESTINATION.

If your car breaks down along the way, you pull over and get whatever is wrong fixed. You may not know how to fix whatever is wrong, so you will “seek” the help of someone who does. In your company, you may not be a great closer, so you should be “seeking” someone on your team who is. The difference here is that a leader on your team won’t charge you hundreds to thousands of dollars to help you get back on the road.

Trust your company vehicle and trust yourself. Set your goals and know what it’s going to take to get to where you want to go. We don’t wing things, we don’t do things without knowing why, and we don’t tell ourselves that we are going to get from point A to B without a plan and clear direction. You will see this again, but know that “we can’t hit a target we can’t see”. Decide where you want to go and how fast you want to get there and GET THERE. Then set your sites, establish your plan of action, use your leaders and the tools you have and GET THERE.

The moral of the story; we don't always need to see the entire road ahead of us. We can get to where we want to go 100 feet at a time. Don’t get caught up on the journey or how you will get from Florida to California. Just know you will get there… even if the trip takes longer than expected or if you hit some roadblocks along the way.

Know where you want to go… stay the course… trust your company… trust your team leaders and cross the finish line with your entire team. You will hit your fair share of pot holes, you will face plenty of distractions, you will hit roadblocks and you will travel down many unfamiliar roads. It’s OKAY! What matters is that YOU believe in yourself, that you NEVER QUIT and that you know without a shadow of doubt that your company vehicle will get you to your destination, no matter what you face or experience along the way. Enjoy the journey and enjoy the rewards.

This article was published on 01.08.2016 by Richard Wyche
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