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Facebook Marketing Strategy

{Facebook Marketing Strategy}:

In this post, I'm going to give you yet another Method on how to use Facebook with your business to generate more leads/customers, and I'm only telling you this because not many are doing it. There are over a billion users. This is a very simple 3 step process if you choose to use it. Below are the steps...Also you want to make sure that your profile page is professional looking, but not with anything about your business. It should also be about you the person, and make sure to have a nice profile picture of yourself. Your background setting can be of your choosing, just make it clean and fun.  

{Step 1},

=> Facebook typically sends you People that they think will be a good friend, Which means that you can pick and choose who you would like to connect with. I look for people that have a nice smile, and look friendly, Make sure to check out their profile page, So you can find out a little more about the person. This is so you can get to know them better. You want to build a rapport with that person. Network Marketing is all about building relationships, and it's much easier to sell a product or service to someone once they like and trust you. You can look too see if they have kids, or a hobby, Or even a favorite sports team. The possibilities are endless. You find what suits you, and work the numbers. In most cases you won't need months to build a rapport. One of my favorite strategies to use is very unique, and I'm the only one that does it, and have pretty good success, and I meet people from all walks of life, and learn about other cultures, and have met a lot of very nice people who now like and trust me, and would follow me to the end of the earth if I asked them too. Keep it simple, because your prospects aren't stupid, and if you over complicate things, they will have self doubt weather or not they can be successful.

{Step 2}

=> If they accept your friend request, send them a short message that sounds something like this. You can edit this if you like.

Hey John, thank you so much for accepting my friend request. I noticed on your profile that you're a School Teacher...That's awesome! What grade do you teach? (Ask Questions, keep them talking, so you can build a rapport). Eventually I will lead the conversation to what they do for a living, and let them do the talking. The reason I do this is because Once i get a better idea about them, and what they do for a living, I will then tell them that I have this thing that I do from home, to generate a little extra money, and then see if they might be open to what I have to offer, if didn't interfere with what they are already doing. Keep it simple, and Not too technical, Or you will scare them off. Also by asking them if they're "OPEN", You are giving them a way out, and not trying to pressure them into making a bad decision.

{Step 3}

=> Ok, now you're in the home stretch. If they tell you that they would be "OPEN" to checking out what you have to offer, you can now send them your content. It could be a link to your website, or even a video about your company/product. You can also send them to a blog post, if you're a blogger such as myself, or basically it's up to you, how to get them the info. For me, I send them the link to our (6 minute how it works movie), and tell them to make sure to create their FREE Tour Takers Account, and then to watch the short video, and then to contact me with any questions, so we can discuss further to see if this will be a good fit for them. By doing this, I'm putting myself out there, And also giving them away out. For best results, ask them how soon they can checkout your content, So you can set up a time and date to get together so you can go over the info you gave them. Make sure it's no longer than a week, but at their convenience, and then once you contact them again, you can then ask if they have questions, and go from there.

***Note:) You've just seen 3 very simple steps in using Facebook for your small business. Facebook is more designed for keeping in touch with family and friends, and not so much for business purposes, but because of the growth of Facebook, I recommend at least trying it. You want to have a game plan when using this, and what I mean is that make sure you have a in place such as I have, and How you would like to get the ball rolling once you make contact with your prospects. Also you want to have in your mind how many people a day/week/or month, that you're going too contact, and make sure to stick to your game plan. Just know that you are going to get more "NO'S than Yes', and that's because this is a numbers game, and I can guarantee by utilizing this one strategy, that success is Eminent. There are many different ways to build a small business, and by prospecting (1 on 1), You can't fail because this is the best way to build your business. Try to prospect at least 5-20 people per day, and If you follow my techniques, you can't fail. It's just going to take a little time and effort on your part, and many "NOs!"

=> Once you get back to your prospect, and you find out what they thought about your opportunity, and have answered any questions they may have, and they sound like they're interested, You always ask for the sale! With conviction, you say, "Well it sounds like you're ready to join. (This is only if you are speaking on Messenger, or text, but not by phone.) If they don't answer you, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, answer back! Leave it their court, and move on too the next person. Trust me, I do this all the time. You will come across people all the time, that will tell you that they are ready to join, and have credit card in hand, and for whatever reason, won't join because something always comes up. My philosophy is that my prospect is a prospect until they buy, or die, unless I hear a definite "NO", and even then some of your best "Team Members" will be the one's that told you "NO" for years! With the way our industry has changed over the years, it's much easier to build a successful "Team" because so many companies such as (DigiSoft Payline), are built around leverage, which means because of the structure of the compensation plan, (Residual Income), You can more money much quicker, and so can your "Team Members" When I started in this industry back in 2006, you needed hundreds, if not thousands In your "Downline" just make a little money, and it's not that way anymore, at least with most "LEGITIMATE" companies.


{Contact Info}:

Rick Brier

812.264.3754 (Call or text)

=> (Contact me for my special Discount Offer!)


(Complete Breakdown, and how I can help you, plus my Special Discount Offer)

This article was published on 06.02.2020 by Rick Brier
Author's business opportunity:

DigiSoft Payline - Software Products, 22 USD to join

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