Business in the Corona era
Now, there has been much debate about the corona virus pandemic that has spread all around.
Anyone not affected by now, will be in the long run. I am not saying about the virus itself, but the aftermath. People infected with the virus will be a small portion, but the effects of all this panic will be felt long after it is gone. Safety measures are here to stay. Remember air travel pre 2001? Yeah, you're right nobody does. Remember communications before those wars on terrorism? Bye bye. Remember the time when health issues used to be classified? Those good ol' 2019 days. Really, I am not posting this in order to raise conspiracy theories. I am just saying all of this will have an effect much more worse than the virus itself.
Since we are a business community here, I will now explain the impact businesslike. Remember when people used to advertise their opportunity as "Work from Home" and people would automatically raise eyebrows thinking "Ponzi"? This is now something that seems to change. During this "pandemic", traditional businesses started offering their employees a work from home option. Sure, it is a measure in order for them to not get in any kind of issue(health, legal etc) if an employee catches the virus, but the mere existence of that option is something great. Now people can feel comfortable with what technology has to offer and get familiar with the term Work From Home. That is set to make business for indipendent distributors easier. One of the walls prospects often build is that they don't believe in that term, how it is even possible. Hopefully, 9-5's and traditional business models set the way for us in this field.
Something else is the exposure of financial instability. Now, everyone that is quarantined without their will, or government closes the business for some days, will have to face the probability that they will not be compensated for that time period. Some will, others won't. The good old exchange time for money. Since you didn't spend the time, I won't give you the money. So, people will start to turn to other consepts to work for them. Passive income, reward based on result, leverage, all these terms are already there for anyone interested. They just need to scratch the surface.
There sure are many more complications which will be clearer in the time to come. These are just some opening thoughts, I will try to keep it up with the situation as it develops.
Sure am happy and glad to be able to watch all of this from a distance, on a social basis. But everything is intertwined and we are in this all together so if anyone is affected in any way, just reach out and maybe a useful solution comes along for the future. Let's help each other and the people that need it the most. Maybe a kind of think tank would be a good idea. What do you think?I'm open.No comments yet