Does having money mean we aren't down to earth anymore?
The quick answer to the question in the title is "maybe". It depends on whether you are down to earth before you had money. The money only magnifies who you really are.
I'm learning more and more about the psychology of money and our mentality about it. Whether we have alot or a little depends more on our mentality than it does our circumstances.
For one, I am learning that as long as we focus on just having enough money to pay our bills each month with enough left over to go to a movie, then that's where we stay.
In other words, we aren't living intentionally about making more money than that. If we aren't committed to making three times the amount of money we need to pay our bills, then we won't ever make it.
Why stop at being committed to making three times what our monthly expenses are? Why not become committed to making ten times what we need to survive each month? Is there anything wrong with that?
The answer is no, there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. The problem comes in when we sacrifice our health and our relationships to get there. We don't have to do that to be committed to making substantial money.
Finding the right program and the right way for us to build our income with it will take some time, research, and maybe some failure along the way. Granted, if you could use the first program you find, get committed and be making $50,000 a month within a year, who wouldn't?
If it was that easy, then the proverbial statement that is always made would be true. Everybody and their brother would be making money that easy each month.
The positive side to it, if that were true, is that there would be no more debt. I would hope that if the majority of Americans were making $50,000 a month on average, there would be hardly any personal debt in this country.
So, if you are or were a very down to earth individual before you started making alot of money, then you will be at total peace financially and will begin talking to those in your circles who you can help. Your servant side will take over and you will want to show them how to live a better life.
If you weren't so down to earth before, and you looked down your nose at others less fortunate, then that mentality will be magnified. You will not be so inclined to stoop to their level and show them a better way.
We always have to remember, though, that we only get money if we put value into the marketplace as a general rule. We don't get something for nothing and it last very long, as in the case of most lottery winners.
If the content in this article makes sense to you, feel free to send me a message or send me a text on my phone.
I hope you enjoy your day and I thank you for reading this all the way through.
Scott Moore