Looking for new investment? Don't look any further, the business is crowd 1,It provides online education courses which you buy to be part of the company, buying gives you owner righs
which are refered to as crowd 1 rewards.value depends on what package you buy as you will see expliained below. The rewards increase on a weekly basis starting from 2.50 but increases as you gain more stramline bonus.. The company pays out dividents every 3 months. Apart from the dividents there is also a monthly residual income,this comes from the companies crowd 1 is in patnership whith which share out profits to the company and inturn the company pays out to every crowd 1 member inform of a monthly residual income.In addition you also earn from inviting your friends to do the business so You're paid for marketing.there are also Several bonuses you earn from,eg there is the fear of loss bonus where if you refer four people to the business in a span of two weeks you are paid a bonus of between 125 to 3000 depending on the educational package they join with.other bonuses include the binary bonus,steamline bonus,matching bonus,and you benefit from all this bonuses. their payment plan is on point
There are 4 education packages to choose from that you buy to be a member.
*NB* there is an ongoing promo running till the 5th june. If you buy any package you are upgraded to the next one for free,comes with all benefits.
1. *WHITE* 12k worth 100 Euros of owner rights
2. *BLACK* 35k worth 300 Eurosowner rights
3. *GOLD* 92k worth 1000 Euros owner rights
*4.TITINIUM* 288k worth 3500 worth of owner rights
All interested individuals can use the information below to be to get intouch and be taken through everything in detail.i will also connect you to our daily company meetings via zoom app where you can learn mor about the business an also get a full business presentation and how to fully maximise the oportunity to make you money.Remember to take advantage of the promo. All the best as you plan to join my team.
Contact +254710526938
contact before signing up
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