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What Network Marketers Say, That Turn People Away (don't use these lines)

Network Marketing is a tough business.

Anyone who gets involved in it can see that.

But what are the things we as network marketers, could be doing or saying that is turning off people from joining our team?

Believe it or not, there are many things we were taught to do, that is not good for our business.

In today's business announcement, I will share with you what network marketers say that turn people away, so you can avoid doing the same.

Never Be "Better Then Them"

A good example of what some network marketers say, is what I call "better then them".

Even I have experienced the person who is trying to get me to join their team, and only focuses on what is wrong with the company I am involved in.

He attacked the company I was in, and bashed the products. Saying my products were poison, but then goes on to request I get his which were magic and helpful.

By attacking and insulting what a person is currently doing, will not make him or her think "Yea, you're right, I am in a crappy place and your place is way better".

You will find that being positive about what they do is more likely to convert them, then attacking it.

Because the bottom line is this - If they are happy where they are, they are not leaving no matter what. So you can attack all you want, it won't change a thing. If they are not happy where they are, then they will be open to looking, and if you were the one who made them feel best, they most likely will consider you most.

J.O.B (Just Over Broke)

Of course whoever thinks it would be a good idea to attack someone for having a job, is not someone to get advice from.

There is nothing wrong with having a job.

As a matter of fact, people with jobs should be thanked, as they contribute to society.

But using the "Just Over Broke" to someone who is happy with their job, will not convert them into wanting to join.

A smart network marketer knows that people with jobs, are the best for their business.

So never try to use the "Just Over Broke" line to convince someone into joining you.

However, I do agree network marketing is better, but I'm not trying to recruit myself.

Everyone Is A Prospect

Here is something that may be true, but it's not the case.

Although every human being would see a benefit from the product, doesn't mean every human being wants the benefit.

Teaching our downline to prospect everyone will most likely get our team feeling upset.

Doing this creates massive rejection and objections.

Instead, we need to focus on a specific group of people who are our target market, and prospect them.

This will increase conversion and joining rates, and not create as much resistance.

And remember, not everyone in your target market will join either.

Don't Create A Comeback Line For "No"

If you want to make yourself look like a complete jerk, then all you need is a comeback line when told "no".

A good example may be when a person says "No" to joining, and the network marketer saying "Why not? You don't like helping people or something?"

Respect "No" and move on.

Try to continue a relationship with those who said "No" but not involving the business.

In time, some of these come back to join.

But, if you are a total jerk about them saying "No", they will not be coming to your team at all.

The Overall Idea

To make things simple, I will explain how I personally handle "No" and sponsoring in general.

If a person says "No" then I don't care.

I will talk to another, and another, and another.

I do not try to flip anyone, or interest anyone.

I just keep talking til someone expresses interest to me, and joins.

Sponsoring becomes easy when you approach it like this. And you understand you will be having to go through a lot of people to get a person to join.

As a matter of fact, it basically becomes me saying "No" to people trying to get on my team in some cases. 

And approaching it in this manner is much more attractive to people then begging or trying too hard to convince them.

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P.S Want me to build you a downline? Just take this free tour here and watch how I continue adding new people to your team and building customers and affiliates underneath you.

This article was published on 12.12.2018 by Jaye Carden
Member comments:

Scot Stoddard Admire your writing skills sir, and yes it helped  6 years ago
Jaye Carden Thanks for the comments James and Valerie!  6 years ago
Valerie Powell I follow that exact motto. Thanks great to know . your approach isn't wrong  6 years ago
James Murphy Thanks much, very good advice to consider.  6 years ago

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