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Revolutionary, Stem Cell Breakthru Creates 2019's #1 MLM Opportunity! Act Now!

Over the past several decades, no area of science or medicine has garnered more interest, attention, and research than regenerative medicine, which involves developing methods to regrow, repair, or replace damaged or diseased cells, organs, or tissues in order to restore or establish their normal function, a concept that dates back to 330 BC, when Aristotle first observed that a lizard could grow back the lost tip of its tail.

Due to recent advancements in science medicine, and technology, regenerative medicine is on the verge of becoming a reality and revolutionizing the way that diseases and aging are dealt with, replacing drugs, devices, and surgery as a means to treat symptoms, with treatments and therapies designed to heal or cure the underlying cause of everything from Parkinson’s disease, to Alzheimer’s, rheumatoid arthritis, osteo-arthritis, diabetes, spinal injury and paralysis, multiple sclerosis, macular degeneration, heart disease, renal failure, even cancer.

The most well-known example of regenerative medicine is stem cell therapy. Many of us have heard about stem cells, but don’t know much about them, let alone what they actually do in the body, and why they’re vital to one’s health.

Stem cells are the body’s master cells, from which all other cells with specialized functions are generated. Under the right conditions in the body or a laboratory, stem cells divide to become new stem cells to replace old or damaged tissue, or they morph into specialized cells with a more specific function such as blood cells, brain cells, heart cells, muscle cells, or bone cells. No other cell in the body has the natural ability to generate new and different types of cells than stem cells.

In a child or young adult, these stem cells are in large supply, acting as a built-in repair system. They are often summoned to the site of damage or inflammation to repair and restore normal function, but as we age, the number of stem cells circulating in the body begins to diminish as much as 100 to 10,000 fold in different tissues and organs.

In addition, stem cells undergo genetic mutations, which reduce their quality and effectiveness at renewing and repairing your body. As a result, one’s health can decline, leading to disease and aging, a poor quality of life, and a shorter life span. 

A useful analogy is to imagine your stem cells as a team of repairmen in your newly constructed mansion. When the mansion is new and the repairmen are young, they can fix everything perfectly. But as the repairman age and reduce in number, your mansion eventually goes into disrepair and eventually falls apart.

For most of us, our initial introduction to stem cells was in the late 90’s, and the controversy that was created over the discovery and use of embryonic stem cells in research. Fast forward to today and adult stem cells from various sources such as fat tissue, bone marrow, the placenta, or umbilical cords have demonstrated similar capabilities to embryonic stem cells, but without the moral and ethical issues, in addition to the discovery of being able to re-program adult cells to function like embryonic stem cells.

Over the past 2 decades, a number of breakthroughs in research, and in some limited trials, using various types of stem cells from different sources, have been reported and hailed in scientific journals, and in the media. However, large scale clinical trials and regulatory approvals for a number of stem cell therapies are still several years away.

For many, despite the promising preliminary results with a number of different diseases and injuries, the use of embryonic stem cells has moral and ethical concerns, while for the others, the thought of either having stem cells extracted from their body, cultured in a lab to grow more, and then reinjected into their body, or having stem cells from someone else’s body or placenta or umbilical cords injected into their body, leaves them with an uncomfortable feeling, not to mention such treatments being quite expensive as well.

There is, however, a bright spot that has surfaced! Over the past decade more and more research is proving that the process of repair and renewal that takes place in your body involves your own bone marrow stem cells, which have been shown to support the health of the nervous system, cardiac function, liver function, pancreatic function, kidney function, as well as lung, skin, and bone health.

In brief, when a tissue is subjected to significant stress, stem cells originating from the bone marrow are released into the blood and circulatory system and migrate to the tissue, proliferate and then differentiate or morph into cells of that tissue, thereby supporting the repair and renewal process.

The discovery that bone marrow stem cells constitute the natural repair and renewal system of the body has paved the way to a new paradigm in health and wellness. Once we understand that every day of our lives the role of stem cells is to patrol our body and migrate into areas needing assistance, then we realize that supporting stem cell physiology, namely the release, circulation, and migration of our bone marrow stem cells from the blood into the tissue of the affected area, is the best strategy to maintain optimal health.

Most exciting, research has shown there are several things you can do to support the release of your body’s own bone marrow adult stem cells and their migration! Current evidence suggests that exercise, fasting, good quality sleep, eating anti-inflammatory foods that are rich in antioxidants and nutrients, avoiding or reducing sugar, processed foods, animal products and oils, while consuming fresh fruits and vegetables, beans, legumes, whole grains, nuts and seeds, and avoiding or reducing stress can boost the numbers of stem cells circulating in your body and assist in their migration!

Unfortunately, in today’s hectic and fast paced world, doing all of the above is easier said than done. However, there is growing evidence that there is one additional way to support the release of bone marrow stem cells, their circulation in the body, and their migration into tissue, one which will revolutionize the $100 billion a year supplement market and the $1 trillion global anti-aging, health and wellness market.

Christian Drapeau is a stem cell pioneer, scientist, researcher, and author of several best-selling books, including Cracking the Stem Cell Code and The Stem Cell Theory of Renewal. Around the dawn of the new millennium, as stem cells were beginning to become highly publicized, primarily due to the controversy over embryonic stem cells, he theorized in the medical journal Medical Hypotheses that adult stem cells in your bone marrow constituted the natural repair and renewal system of your body, a theory initially scoffed at by many in the scientific world, but over the past 2 decades, numerous studies and breakthroughs, including Nobel Prize winning research, have validated his theory. 

At the same time Christian proferred what is now known as his Endogenous Stem Cell Mobilization theory, he was studying an aqua botanical called Aphanizomenon flos-aquae or AFA for short, a form of blue-green algae, observing that consumption of AFA was leading to benefits touching many aspects of human health, and he wondered if there was a connection between AFA and stem cells from bone marrow.

After extensive research and testing, he discovered that AFA contains a compound that stimulates the release of stem cells from the bone marrow into the blood. Christian pondered the possibility that other botanicals and superfoods known for their impressive health benefits might have the same capability, and over the past 15 years, in collaboration with Gitte Jensen, he has researched and identified a number of botanicals and superfoods that studies have shown support the release of stem cells from the bone marrow, as well as their migration into tissues, all of which has culminated in a revolutionary, new, and patent pending, stem cell enhancement supplement he’s developed, and which is now available to the general public for the first time ever!

Designed to support the body’s natural repair and renewal system, support immune function, provide antioxidant protection, support healthy aging, and support a general sense of well being, this new, cutting edge product features a blend of 4 botanicals that Christian has studied extensively: AFA, Sea Buckthorn Berry, Aloe Vera, and Beta-Glucan.

AFA is a form of blue green algae, and one of nature’s most nutrient dense superfoods. Studies show an increase of around 30% in the number of stem cells circulating in the body within one hour of its consumption, which equates to an estimated 7 million stem cells.

Sea Buckthorn Berry is touted as one of the most nutritious and vitamin-rich foods in the world, has been used for centuries in Chinese, Mongolian, and Tibetan medicine, and is praised by the likes of America’s favorite doctor, Dr. Oz. It contains high amounts of protein, fiber, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals (at least 190 bioactive compounds to be exact), with studies showing an increase of 40% in the number of stem cells circulating in the body after 2 hours of consumption, which equates to 10 million stem cells.

Aloe Vera is legendary for its numerous benefits, with certain species of the aloe vera plant demonstrating an increase of 40% in the number of stem cells circulating in the body, which equates to 10 million stem cells.

Beta Glucan, which is sourced from oats, is utilized to assist in both the release of bone marrow stem cells and their migration from the blood into the tissue of the affected area.

The discovery of bone marrow stem cells being the natural repair and renewal system of the body, along with the discovery that natural ingredients can support stem cell physiology, opens the door to a novel way of looking at health. More stem cells circulating in the blood equates to greater health, as more stem cells are available for the day-to-day natural process of repair and renewal in the whole body.

Therefore, supporting the release of stem cells from the bone marrow and their migration into tissue on a daily basis through the use of this groundbreaking, new stem cell enhancement supplement constitutes one of the most promising ways of helping the body regain and/or maintain optimal health, good news for the more than 74 million aging baby boomers in the U.S. and the more than 1 billion aging baby boomers globally, as well as for those with a number of different health problems!

Due to the worldwide potential for this revolutionary breakthrough, and knowing the power of word of mouth advertising, Christian began looking for a world class, network marketing company with the management, infrastructure, resources, support, and logistics in place that would be needed to effectively promote and distribute this game changing product on an international scale, and after evaluating a number of companies,  he decided to join forces with a global anti-aging leader and one of the 20 largest direct sales companies in the world after just 8 years in business, with 2017 sales of $1.3 billion USD!

Most impressive, this trailblazing, U.S. based company currently operates in more than 125 countries, is the fastest growing company in direct sales history, having achieved over $1 billion in sales in its 6th year, a feat never achieved that quickly before by a network marketing company, and over its first 8 years has generated over $5 billion in total sales, with a number of their top distributors being featured on the industry’s top 200 biggest earners list!

Most exciting, they’ve recently introduced this remarkable and exclusive, stem cell enhancement supplement in the U.S., Canada, and Malaysia, with plans to open numerous international markets shortly!

As we enter the last part of the new millennium’s second decade, and prepare to enter its 3rd decade, stem cell nutrition promises to create a new paradigm in the trillion dollar health and wellness industry, and this unique, scientifically advanced, and patent pending product promises to create one of today’s most lucrative opportunities for those who have the vision and foresight to take action now!

For more information on this exciting, new breakthrough, or to take advantage of the opportunity to be a distributor in your area or country, plus work with several of the company's top leaders and million dollar earners, leave a reply or send an email to and use subject header: Send Info on Stem Cell Breakthrough!

This article was published on 29.10.2018 by Ken Stewart
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