Affiliate Marketing with Blogging and SEO
Now search engine optimization with blogging and affiliate marketing starts with a single target keyword. And in order to get that target keyword you must find your profitable niche. Then you will need the Google Keyword Planner tool inside your Google Ads account. If you do not have a Google Ads account then create one, even if you just fund it with $10. You will also need to create a URL property for your blog in the Google Search Console and be sure to submit a site map. The target keyword should be the first word of both the domain name and site title, also known as the H1 Header. Once you get the hang of seo, there’s also the importance of presentation.
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Presentation is basically what your visitor sees first when opening any link, or view any post. That is what turns a click into a visitor, and turns a visitor into a buyer. The first impression should address an identified need within your niche. But more importantly also suggest a solution. Therefore you may want to use tools like Pixabay for unlimited free downloads of royalty free images. Along with Canva to design graphics and edit images. With affiliate marketing and blog banner displays you want to ad pre-sale text. Telling your visitor exactly what the product or program is about.
But these are just a few basic steps or rather tactics. One cannot discuss affiliate marketing and blogging with seo in a single article. More like a couple thousand word eBook. Affiliate marketing with blogging and seo is an art, not a contest. And it will require months of research. Get it right by starting with the right target keywords and search phrases. Along with impressive presentation, timing and moderation.
"Recognize your worth and trust your ability, so you no longer confuse failure with defeat!" - Deon Christie
Aspiring Writer and Passionate Blogger
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