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Invest and earn 8% per week, crypto makes this easy!

Ever wondered who paid for the Billion Euro skyscrapers in Frankfurt where the bankers work? Yes, you did! Crypto has changed the investment world. Now you are the bank. Join the revolution and use the money wasted by the banks, or used to pay the fat cats too much. Negative interest rates? Your fiat money is becoming worthless. Spend it or loose it! join FinalMente today and deposit Bitcoin, purchase a savings plan and sit back and watch your investments grow by 8% a WEEK!!! Bankers dont want you to see this opportunity. They might have to sell those obsolete skyscrapers! Sign up to Finalmente here

Join the revolution, it's happening now and it's your path to financial independence.

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Don't get left behind in the fast paced world of crypto, getting in at the begininng has the advantage of putting you ahead of other investors. This is the key to success and can mean the difference between an income you can live on or one which fails to achieve your objectives.

The mainstream will not want you to remove your money from the bank and put it into Bitcoin or some other digital currency. They will ring you as soon as you try and buy Bitcoin with your Debit or Credit card. Don't be put off however, this is the last gasp of the bankers, they know they are out of business and are trying to delay the inevitable. They will warn you of the risks of being scammed. They will warn you that Bitcoin could be worthless as soon as someone with a quantum computer breaks the codes used in its blockchain. This is all true but Bitcoin has been safe since it was invented in 2009. Sure people who have not secured their wallet have lost their funds but with the proper safeguards you can be sure to secure your Bitcoins.

Many people mistakenly think that with bitcoin at nearly $11,000 to date that they cannot possibly afford one Bitcoin. Well it is perfectly possible to buy 0.00000001 of a Bitcoin or one Satoshi. 100 Satoshi's is currently worth 1.1 cents ($0.011) Some people believe that 1 Satoshi will be worth about $1 in the future. this is perfectly possible if everyone adopts Bitcoin as their favourite medium of exchange!

This article was published on 20.09.2020 by Nick River
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Finalmente - Crypto Lending, Free to join

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