My business, your business, our success
All of us are in business one way or the other. You might be the end user of products and services and forget about the power you yield. Today with technology at your fingertips you can sell goods without handling them or keeping them in your houses or warehouses. You can start with the products and services you consume on a daily basis by contacting the manufacturers or service providers and ask them if they have referral channels. Most of this business have referral programs, you refer end user or buyers and earn some rewards - mainly money/cash. Starting is very easy and most of this businesses only need time and effort as your capital.
The most convenient once are for real estate. If you once bought a house or you are renting and you refer such service to the agent that once assisted you you will gain a lot. You need to build a relationship with this businesses so that you can reap more.
As for me am in real estate and you are invited to check my business at Bene Ba EL Holdings for more information as to how you can benefit. We also need your assistance in the marketing of our business which is mainly done online and you got paid on the closing of a successful business deal.
Since you are here feel free to comment with your business knowledge, products and services so that we can assist in the spreading of the words. You will never know where your next client/buyer will be coming from. If you are already in real estate like us, let's share what work so that we can grow exponentially. Sometimes you will say I have tried it all and it didn't work for me only to find that you didn't join the dot. Today's markets and businesses is all about networking.
Next time you want to network am available to try new things in the form and aim of generating businesses for all of us. I use to tell people that,"if the want money they can start by selling their old shoes."
NB: Real estate is for everyone. People want shelter. This is where my business, your business, our success fits in.
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