Areas In MLM Where Automation Is Useful, And Areas Where It Is Not

If your day is anything like my own, you are always looking for ways to cut time down, and produce more.
This is where automation comes in handy, it can help cut the time needed to get tasks completed.
But like all technology, it doesn't always work very well.
But sometimes, it can be super useful.
So today, I want to share some thoughts on where automation can really come in handy in MLM, and also the areas where it doesn't work too well.
Social Media
Of course, this is a great place to use automation.
Just take a short amount of time, and schedule your posts out for an entire week at a time.
Twitter is the easiest to have running on automation. Building a following without even being on it.
Social media is one of the most useful places to have automation for.
But, when it comes to messaging (basically speaking to) your connections, you will not be able to automate this part.
So use automation in as many social media platforms as you can, to hopefully be stuck with a ton of hand typed messages.
Genealogy Leads
If you've ever created your own genealogy leads before, you know it is a time consuming process.
For those of us who will reach out to new prospects, genealogy leads can really increase our signups.
But instead of researching for these leads to work, having an automated tool to do it makes things much easier.
Yes, you will get a lot of leads with old phone numbers and emails, but you would get that doing it yourself.
Letting a software pull the leads for you saves hours everyday when you take this approach.
This is why I believe in automating genealogy leads.
My favorite place to use automation, is in the SEO world.
If not for automating SEO, it would be the most painful task of all.
If you are practicing SEO, you want something working for you placing links online, and building your blog's authority.
If you did this yourself, you would not have the time to get as many backlinks as I can with automation.
So SEO is the most important place to use automated tools, in my honest opinion.
Here is where automation can be useful, and also become destructive.
Having automated tools and software to create articles for you to post online, can be useful indeed.
Saving massive amounts of time with writing content, these tools help you to get more exposure and basically "be louder" then the other person.
Having tools spin your content and write the same article in a thousand different ways, is very handy.
These articles work great for SEO purposes, and driving outside traffic to your blog.
But when it comes to your blog, your main hub, you DO NOT want automation writing content for you.
Because the automation tools aren't perfect, so having content that doesn't make sense at all times, will hurt your bounce rate.
When it comes to your main blog, you want to hand type it yourself.
The small articles placed on low traffic websites, are fine to be automated, as very few people will see these. But never, never, never, use automation to write content for you on your official blog.
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