Business opportunity
I have heard a lots of questions from people saying...
Is super gro a fertilizer?
How is it been used?
If I use this product does it prevent me from using other drugs?
Is super gro organic?
Why is it the best?
Why is it that super gro is being advertised for many purposes?
Does it contain chemical?
What are the content of super gro? And so on...
these has been the main reason why I have devoted my time in creating tips to help give an answer to these questions..
these product is an organic, multi purpose product that is been made from different leaves,micro and macro elements to help make the best of all when used.
Super gro can be used for many purposes concerning agricultura, but our focus in this article is going to be on poultry.
super gro is being composed of 10 different micro and macro elements that makes it powerful and the best.
*Nitrogen(N) 72g per litre(macro)
*phosphorus(p) 45g per litre(macro)
*potassium(k) 30g per litre(macro)
*Sulphur(s) 15g per litre(macro)
*calcium(ca) 9g per litre(macro)
*magnesium(mg) 7g per litre(macro)
*iron(fe) 5mg per litre(micro)
*iodine(iod) 3mg per litre(micro)
*marine salt (Ms) 1mg per litre(micro)
*zinc(zn) 1mg per litre(micro).
With the above contents of super gro, I want to reveal to you the reason why this product will serve you the best and help your farm be more productive.
*NITROGEN: Nitrogen is a very good nutrients needed for the health of many living things like:animal, plants etc. Coming to livestock animals like broilers, torckey, layers etc, it is essential for their growth stimulation from the infant stage, generation of the their tissues,milk,wool etc.
*SULPHUR: sulphur is another essential nutrients needed for the health of many living things like animal. Coming to livestock animals like broilers, torckey, layers etc, it is essential for growth and production of wool and milk, when no natural sources for this nutrients can be found, sulphur supplement will help them to stay very healthy.
*CALCIUM: calcium is another essential and very important nutrients needed for the health of many living things. Coming to livestock animals like broilers, torckey, layers etc, it is essential for building a very strong bone, joint, and teeth, and it also helps them for easy and no delay reproduction.
*MAGNESIUM: Also work in conjunction with calcium, it is another essential nutrients needed for the health of many living things. Coming to livestock animals like broilers, torckey, layers etc, it is essential for healthy joints,bones,immunity(improves digestion in them), more and easy reproduction.
*IRON: iron is another essential nutrients needed for the health of many living things. Coming to livestock animals like broilers, torckey, layers etc, it is essential in helping to deliver oxygen to the body and carrying out caborndioxide (caborn iv oxide) from the body system in them there by improving respiratory function in them.
*IODINE:Iodine is another essential nutrients needed for the health of many living things. Coming to livestock animals like broilers, torckey, layers etc, it is essential in promoting healthy and rapid growth and development of young livestocks.
*MARINE SALT: marine salt is another essential nutrients needed for the health of many living things. Coming to livestock animals like broilers, torckey, layers etc, it is essential to help in adequate and proper blood circulation in their body.
*ZINC: zinc is another most essential nutrients needed for the health of many living things. Coming to livestock animals like broilers, torckey, layers etc, it is essential as well for their proper growth and health, it's good for rapid and proper growth, increasing appetite, good for proper and quick maturity of skeleton in them, and gonad devepment (devepment of the sex cell and sex hormones in them). These has been the factors that makes super gro the best in poultry farm.its
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