Hello entrepreneurs,
First let me start by thanking you for viewing this business announcement. Before I get into it, i'd like to give you a little background on myself, the company, and why i got involved in this industry. I'm 36 yrs of age, a father to two handsome boys, and a long time boyfriend to a very loving, supportive girlfriend. I am a full time NYS employee and an investor. I was introduced to this opportunity by a successful family friend. She knew i always kept my options open when it came to creating other income streams. I have been approached to join other MLM businesses in the past but something about pushing products never appealed to me. This one was different because it's in the energy industry. Gas and Eletricity, a service we all habitually use and unconsciously pay for. I don't have to explain why you or anyone need electricity and/or natural gas, nor do i have to remind you to pay for it every month. The way i look at it, we are already in the energy business because you will be paying a monthly utility bill. This service is permanently built into everyone's monthly budget. Wouldn't it make all the sense in the world to save or eliminate the supply portion of those recurring monthly utility bills and make money in the process?
1. We offer this service below retail value and a FREE ENERGY PROGRAM.
2. EVERYBODY already uses this service.
3. ABSOLUTELY no product education.
5. Absolutely NO CHANGE in consumer buying habits.
I never would have to chase anyone to pay their energy bills or convince them why they need the service. The idea of having my income attached to a service that we all use and pay for every single month for the rest of our lives seriously caught my attention. The start up cost was very reasonable for the average person, and you only do two simple things to earn income. This was a no brainer to me. I immediately took action and got started March of 2017. I am currently looking for individuals who are open and looking to capitalize on energy deregulation. As warren buffet himself said, "energy deregulation will be the single largest transfer of wealth in history." So if you are looking for the right vehicle, built on a foundation to be the finest and most respected Energy retailer in America and never sacrificing integrity for growth, Ambit Energy is the vehicle you should strongly consider.
Invest $100 into starting your own business and let me help you get your first three customers (you can also be your own customer if you can) to earn your investment back. Earn more by simply helping others do the exact same thing you just did. It's literally just that simple. I am blessed to be part of this company, the expansion, the friends I have met through taking advantage of this opportunity and the blessings it has given me and my family. toPlease don't hesitate to reach out to me for more details and to get your questions answered so you too can get started on you own Ambit journey.
Christian Enodien
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