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10 Ways To Drive Traffic To Your MLM Website And Offers

We all have a website given to us by our MLM company, don't we?

And most of those are replicated sites, which is important to point out in this.

But, today's business announcement is to give you some ides you can use to drive traffic to the site, not how to convert the visitors and so on.

So with that said, let's look at 10 ways we can drive traffic to our MLM website and offers.

#1: Automating Social Media

The reason I mention automating, is because it saves a ton of time.

There are tools out there that can schedule your social media postings, and you can access them all in one place.

Doing this allows more time for us to work on prospecting, and talking to those visiting.

So look into automating your social media postings, and include as many platforms as possible.

Each platform and those posts can be their own way of driving traffic to your MLM website and offers.

#2: Signature

When you get messages from social media, or any place for that matter, you can use that message as a possible visitor.

By including your link below your signature, you serve a chance that the person your messaging with, may get curious and peep at what you are doing.

I prefer to use my signature link to drive traffic to my blog, which from there my MLM can be found.

Don't let another signature go by without at least putting a link below it towards something that can teach the prospect more about you.

#3: Online Classifieds

Here is an easy one to learn.

Using online classifieds such as craigslist, free classifieds, etc, you can drive a fair amount of traffic to your MLM website.

There are paid advertising options on these, and I find using craigslist paid ads extremely effective at generating leads for MLM (meaning a lot of traffic came from it)

But make sure you are using a landing page of some sort first, as without a way to capture leads, you don't want to drop any money into advertising.

#4: Solo Ads

Solo ads can be a super fast way to get visitors on any site, even a MLM one.

Another paid advertising option, use solo ads with caution.

If you do not have a landing page for your MLM visitors to go, then this strategy would be a lot of money spent for little.

But with landing pages, it can be a huge and fast way to convert visitors into leads, then sales.

#5: Blogging

By creating your own blog, you create your own traffic magnet.

If you build your own blog, and use it to share valuable information, you will increase your traffic to your MLM website like crazy.

By placing banners on your blog, or using links in it, you can turn visitors of your blog, into visitors who are pre-sold looking at your MLM website.

This method will take time to build your audience up, but will be well worth it when the results begin coming in.

#6: Articles

Just like you see here, an article is a good way to drive traffic to your MLM website.

For example, I leave a P.S line below, and I get a lot of good clicks from it (I know because I track it)

But putting out related, and non-related information on articles, you can drive a more targeted visitor to your MLM website.

Articles are powerful as you are using a platform's audience to promote to.

It is also a good way to begin building your own blog's audience.

#7: Videos

Videos work well, no doubt about it.

Videos really help people develop the "know, like and trust" factor with you.

Even though you do not see the relationship being developed, it is being developed somewhere out there with someone.

Start putting together videos, uploading them to Youtube, and leaving links to your MLM website and offer in the deion box below it.

This is where you turn viewers of your video, into visitors to your MLM website and offer.

#8: LeadsLeap

Here is a super easy, and fast way to begin getting traffic to your MLM website, or any offer you wish.

LeadsLeap is a traffic generating website that will become stronger and stronger the longer you use it.

It also offers tools like a tracker, so you can learn who is ripping you off, and who is sending real traffic.

Begin using LeadsLeap today if you are needing more traffic, and even build yourself a nice extra source of income as you use it.

#9: Actually Prospecting

Believe it or not, when you are prospecting people, you are developing people who may become visitors if you email them your link.

Even when you are building a team, and your team members ask you a common question, you can send them to your blog to get it answered and build it's authority with SEO.

Directing people you speak to to visit your websites can only help your authority.

Most people try to explain the details that are on the MLM website, versus just sending them a link to their phone or email.

Try doing this, and watch how much "really good" traffic comes from it.

#10: Banner And text Ads

There are several websites out there, including MLM Gateway, that offers advertising in banner and text form.

These ads can be a very good method and source to driving traffic to your MLM website.

But, as always, I recommend using a landing page whenever you are putting money into advertising.

Even when MLM Gateway can give you free advertising, I would still use a landing page so you get results from the ads.

But, if you wish to just drive traffic to a replicated website, then that's your call.

Put as many of these online as possible, in as many places as possible, and let the traffic just pour in.

Driving Traffic

The most important part of driving traffic is where you send it.

Learning how to generate traffic is step 1 in a series of steps to create a sale.

This business announcement is that first step.

I will come out with more business announcements to turn visitors into leads, and leads into sales.

Best of luck in 2019 and hope you all have much success!

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Also, let's get connected here on MLM Gateway so we can continue sharing value with one another and learn from each other.

P.S Want me to build you a strong downline using my own traffic generating strategies? You can even keep the ones I generate if you so chose to. Take this free tour to learn more!

This article was published on 02.01.2019 by Jaye Carden
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