Do you want to make GREAT money online EASILY and SIMPLY
I am so excited. I just got to tell you about GoodLifeusa
I have been in many online companies but GoodLifeusa is the first one I have made money quickly and simply.
I joined May 5th and without trying, I have made, already this month, almost $400.
I could be the end of May be well over $500 without doing much work at all.
All I do is send or give people a $200 GoodLife gift card which allows them to save money on all sorts of things such as concerts, sports events, online shopping, airfare, hotels, cruises, vacations, car rentals and so much more.
I find it so easy to use the cards to say THANK YOU to friends, family, customers, prospects who sit down and listen to my presentation or to what I have to say. I also have sent them to all my team members for joining my other businesses and helping me to be as successful as I am.
I love to see the look on the faces of the staff members in a restaurant when I give each of them a $200 GoodLife gift card (by the way the cards only cost me less than 25 cents). It is as though they have never been treated so kindly in their life. They think you are very wealthy. What they don’t know is when they each use the card you will get paid 50% of the used value of the cards.
EASY and so SIMPLE to say THANK YOU to people for what they do by giving them a gift card.
Here is something I also like to do. I like to stand in a busy shopping area and ask people “what they have done today they never got thanked for” and when they answer give them a gift card and say “let me say thank you for all your kind gestures”. They stand there for a moment looking at the card in amazement then they usually ask “are you sure” then they smile.
Here is something else I like to do when in a mall, go store to store and give a card to every staff member in the stores at the time. The chatter that results is amazing, you can also give one to every customer too as you are not competing for the business of the store you are in. You can quickly ask if they know of anyone who would like to make money give out the cards as you are doing, get their name and phone number and give them a call later and meet them for coffee, then explain how they too can make money by handing out the cards.
I just simply like making people HAPPY and people need more gestures of kindness now days.
People do not get recognized enough for just being them.
Become a member today and start living the GOOD LIFE.
My zoom 9am – 6pm PDT
Email is
Look forward to working with you soon
“It’s A Wonderful Life” Louis Armstrong