FINALLY A Homebiz Removed Reasons Why We Failed In The Past - It's FAIL-Proof!!

THIS IS NOT SOME TRICK TO MAKE YOU LOOK!!! I Would NOT Waste Your Time Doing That Because, quite Frankly, We Don't Have Time For That Kind Of Foolishness Now!! No, this is a Legitimate & Truthful Statement.
But before I talk about that, let me tell you "Why" this is such a Big Deal to me and Why I'm sharing this with YOU today. This is for "ANYONE" who has just about Given up on Home Based Businesses & Earning money from home: DON'T!!! I've Got Great News, Seriously!! So Keep Reading:
Listen, I've been in Network Marketing & Direct Sales for a LONG Time!! In fact, over 25 years now, and eventhough I know the Highs & Lows of having a Home based business. I still Confidently say that the Homebusiness industry is Still the Best Option in comparison to Any other industry; and there's NO Doubt about that.
But as many of you who are Veterans of industry already know, there are A LOT of Homebiz "Potholes" that many of us have fallen into over & over again. See the Problem is Unfortunately, there are businesses that I have been a part of in the past like many of you have, that were Structured or Set Up for the Company to Win and NOT the reps. (Some of you who are New to Network Marketing are aware of this too, but those Especially who've been out here over 10 or 20 years are Surely nodding your heads in agreement because you "KNOW" that what I'm saying is true)
You know what I mean: You've been a part of several business, All Excited and Ready to be Successful with that particular company but there are So Many Homebiz "Potholes" like Mandatory Autoships that you have to do in order to Get Paid, Monthly fees, Expensive Products. (Whew!!)
So whether you can afford them or not, you have to submit to them to Survive in business. And you know the story, you work like a horse to make your business work doing what your sponsor tells you to do but sooner rather than later; you start getting behind because either you are not getting people in the business or the ones you have are not ordering because they have the same problem you do: they Can't Afford the Autoship. So you know what happens next, it's time to pay and the Autoship hits your account at a time when you're not ready and now comes the NSF fees from your bank which you start drowning in. And the company keeps hitting your account attempting to get the money and it's a vicious cycle that almost bankrupts you. Then the company informs you that you are not active and are not eligible for commissions. And Finally to add insult to injury, the person you've been talking to for months decides to sign up, and you receive NO Commissions at all because you're not Qualified because your Autoship failed so you are not Frustrated besides your bank account being messed up because of the company that's supposed to be Getting you OUT of Debt NOT Putting You In It!!! (Does Any of this Sound Familiar?) And eventually, you just have to quit because you're in danger of losing your Bank account. (I've heard that too many times)
So there's these "potholes" and also pressure to be a Recruiter when you're not one and Pressure to get someone to order so you can Get Paid but all you are getting out of all of this is Frustrated & Stressed!! And what about this, someone signs up a So-Called "Heavy Hitter" and they get a Huge Paycheck and the rest of the the Average people are Struggling just to stay in the company Month after Month. Although God has blessed me to be able to do well in my Networking career, I've experienced some of these situations too.
And in A lot of cases, which was my Experience, the Companies quit on us not vice versa. Meaning you, like myself, worked Extremely hard doing what we were supposed to do only to find that the company "CHANGED" the Pay plan without Warning or the product which didn't work the same and on and on it goes. The companies just did NOT deliver what they promised us, and they did not care. But did what Far too many of them do: Take Care of Themselves and leave the Reps Hanging. Well, I could go on and on about this, but I'm sure you the reader are all too familiar with these and Many other scenarios that you could fill in the blank with here; but that's not necessary now.
Now don't get me wrong, as I said before, I've had Good Experiences too. But unfortunately, the Bad experiences were more prevalent than the Good over time. But I know Home businesses are the way to go so I kept on Searching. Well, after A LOT of Searching & Prayer, I Finally Found what I was looking for. Nothing had to hit me on the head, when I saw how this business worked; I said, "This is it!!" So I joined over 2 years ago and I haven't looked back. Here's a video I did about my story:
WHY? Do I say that KulaBrands is FAIL-Proof you ask? As I mentioned before, besides the issues I mentioned above, there are many other challenges that we as Networkers face. But the Founder & Creator of KulaBrands, Peter Gantner, who like us had been hurt and was tired of seeing others Hurt, Lied to & Taken advantage of decided to do something about it. And out of his own Frustration & Creativity; God blessed him to create something that has Truly NEVER been done before!! It's Truly a Network Marketer's Dream.
Just about ANY of the Traditional Headaches & Problems Millions face in Home Business, Peter Solved in this business Model (which is so Unique, KulaBrands applied for a Patent on this business model whose pending status is just about complete)
The Pressures of:
- Autoships
- Having to Order Products You Don't Want or Can Afford
- Sponsoring people to Get Paid
- Paying Monthly Fees for Websites & other Tools
- Constantly asking your teammates to order EVERY Month so You Can Get Paid
NONE of these Pressures are here at KulaBrands. In fact, if you NEVER Sponsored Anyone, You are Still Able to Earn Life-Changing Income. And what we do TOGETHER as a Community Helps ALL of Us.
There is "ZERO" Competition and Anyone in our Community even Internationally that promotes KulaBrands or Creates Revenue Benefits Not only Themselves but EVERYONE!!! You've NEVER Seen Anything Like This!!
KulaBrands is NOT just looking for Anyone but Visionaries who are inventors or community members of like-mind to be a part of this Amazing Community. They are Not holding anyone here who doesn't want to be here. To prove it, there's a 6 Month Money Back Guarantee. So there is Absolutely NO Risk to those who come to Try the KulaBrands Experience.
This is the BEST business Experience I've EVER had in Business!!! So I'm here for good, as my video says, this is my LAST business!! But you can find out for yourself WHY I talk so Strongly about this Life-Changing Company for yourself.
- You've Just about GIVEN UP on Earning Money from Home
- You Feel like there's No Legitimate Home businesses anymore or
- You're Tired of Looking & Joining business after business only to find you are running into the same Problems as your last business.
NOW IS YOUR TIME: If You're Ready for a Change, Watch The First 2 Video Presentations and "IF" you See What I Saw, Join Us. Click Here to See The Presentations:
I look forward to working with Those of you who are Visionaries and are Ready To Make a Difference in the lives of others while Watching our Lives Change at the Same time.
QUESTIONS? Call Ivan at (228) 265-3696
Thank You for stopping by & I hope this has been helpful for you today!!
Take Care!!
Because YOU Matter,
Ivan Harris, Sr. "Branding & Lead Generation Specialist"
(228) 265-3696
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