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There are many remedies around that claim to be the best source of painkiller, but not many of them really work for any length of time, so I've discovered!
My own search for the miracle cure, or relief, was caused by a small piece of shrapnel in my lower back, which I received from a wartime attack on my ship while I was in the U S Navy. The ship was the U S S Liberty, which was attacked on June 7, 1968, while cruising off the Sanai Peninsula, during the six day war between Israel and Egypt. Israel was the attacker. (See book - Attack On The liberty)
The pain, at times, really incapacitated me, so I had many days at home trying to get relief.
The first time I heard about Cannabis was long before it was legal to sell it, since it is derived from the plant called marijuana., or as we used to refer to it as "whacky weed!"
I started to investigate the liquid CBD, and was pleased to see that there are two parts to what people have been receiving on the market. There is THC, which is the part of the substance that causes one to get high. Then there is the CBD which does not cause intoxication. I don't need the intoxication.
My first bottle was 1fl. oz \30 ml. I bought it from a kiosk in the mall. It was 300 mg CBD per bottle.
It took about 2 weeks to complete this bottle since I did not take it correctly. Even with that I saw marked improvement in how my back felt.
Though there was improvement, occasionally I still had twinges that I wanted gone.
That's when I saw a website called CTFO which is "Changing The Future Outcome." after reading all they had about the product I had to have it, because it is not just old off the shelf, kiosk, CBD. It's rated as the absolute best on the market. It is rated as CBDa. I don't have time to explain it all here, but believe me it's everything they claim.
The bottle I bought from them is 1000 mg. After the first few doses the twinge was gone. Also, I had pains in my hips, and knees. That was nearly a year ago! I have not had any kind of body pain. I even was able to get back to full fledged exercise.
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