Cruising! Have fun and make money!
This business is for everyone who loves traveling. Cruising with our company gives an opportunity to have luxurious vacation several times in a year! Having all-inclusive service on 5* cruise lines and seeing sights in different countries should be appealing to everyone. But if you choose to be a partner, you have to expect a money storm that hits your ship of life!! Join us in this adventure and enjoy life with your family and friends!
There are three options to join this business:
1. Join as a member and pay only 100$ each month to maintain your membership. Every time you put this amount of money on your deposit it doubles and turns into so called 200 cruise dollars that you can use to book any of 5500 cruises. For example, your fifth payment means 1,000 cruise dollars (in fact you deposited only 500$). In the first year of your membership you can use only 60% of double amount, then 70%, then 80%, then 90% and beginning form the 49th month of you loyal membership - 100% of doubled. So after 5 months, if you decide to book a cruise that costs 600$, this sum would be cut off from 1000 cruise dollars. So left is 400 cruise dollars that you can use after few months again to book another cruise and so on. More detailed information is given on website.
2. You can join as Partner never paying monthly fees, but you cannot book the cruises. You will never use advantages of cruise dollars. But you can build a business and participate in compensation plan payouts. Initially you pay only 195$ to begin the business.
3. Most wanted and most interesting position - Member/Partner. You pay 295$ - 195$ for becoming a partner and 100$ to get you cruise dollars. You pay your monthly fee until fifth active person joins your business. As soon as you get five prospect as members and/or partners, you are gotten free to pay monthly fees and those 200 cruise dollars are given to you automatically every month. If you maintain your team of five active during 3 month you can use 100 percent of your cruise dollars to book your dream cruises.
We have many ways to get an income. One is instant bonus - it is when you invite a person to join as member/partner. Second is matching bonus - it is when you partners invite their partners. Third is residual income - it depends on the quantity of people in your teem. Forth is leader bonus - as your team grows you have constant income depending on teems size.
This and many other features of income and bonuses are waiting you if you decide to join our happy team of cruise-lovers! Welcome to our international family of partners!
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