Plexus Worldwide Announces New Products
Plexus is an amazing company. We are a health and wellness company. The byproduct of getting your insides healthy is often weight loss. Personally, I had gastric bypass surgery eight years ago. Since then I have tried many different supplements. I was not new to taking supplements but it became extremely important after having this surgery. It was the right choice for me. Once I started on Plexus nutritional supplements I started to feel a difference. I no longer have an afternoon crash of energy. I can keep going all day long. I don't feel as though I need a nap. I have also noticed that my hair and nails are growing. My hair, skin and nails are the first place I notice a decline when I am not getting enough of the right nutrition. My nails are the strongest they have been. My hair is healthier and growing faster than it has in a long time. I sleep better at night. My last round of blood work showed that my iron was finally up after years of being borderline. My B12 had tripled. This is amazing. Like I said I had my surgery done EIGHT years ago and had not gotten these results from any of the products I had tried.
I am down 7 inches at my waist and 6 inches at my hips in the past 6 months. And like I said, I feel better. My mood is improved and I have more energy than ever before. I weigh less then when I got married. Plexus is all about gut health. Getting healthy from the inside out. It is unbelievable how much my health has improved this past year.
We just reformulated our Slim product to include prebiotics. That will enhance all of the other supplements by feeding the good bacteria in your gut. And enhancing our multivitamin. And enhancing our probiotic. Just amazing. We truly want everyone to benefit from good nutrition. Eating well just isn't enough anymore.
We are compensated on eleven different levels. And we are paid five times per month. This is a solid company. Founded on solid principles. We are more like family. We consider ourselves One Team-Team Plexus. My website is\fletcheramy. You can also ask questions by emailing me at
We have three different levels to join our company. You can get a feel for the products by trying them one at a time or you can become a Preferred customer and get an amazing discount or you can get your products at Wholesale and join my team.
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