Women empowering women!
i joined Younique 3 years ago and never doubted that decision! I love and use skincare & cosmetics daily and figured what a great way to get products I use for a discount ! As I continued to purchase personal products and sell to close family & friends I realized that this company is more than just makeup! It’s a community of women and men who support and encourage each other to succeed!!! Training and guidance from other presenters helps each individual presenter succeed whether if it is to just buy products for themselves or help women contribute to their household income by becoming successful business owners! Bonuses and trips and a gift of Ycash you get your birthday month to use towards products are fantastic perks with this company and are easy to earn. Another thing about this company is that it was started to help fund the Younique Foundation and the Haven Retreat that helps women of childhood sexual abuse recover and get help!!! This Retreat is free all a person has to do is pay for their transportation to and from the retreat! Help continues even after the women return home from their time at the retreat ! This has helped thousands ofi women and will continue to help survivors! Check it out at the YouniqueFoundation.org Many women including myself have helped fundraise for many other worthy causes by donating commissions from their parties! I’ve also met amazing women and men yes you read that right MEN from around the world!! We have several successful men who have reached top statuses with this company! When you hear a presenter from Younique say that “it’s more than makeup “ we mean it! This truly is a sisterhood only those who are a part of can truly understand! Best of all you can run this business from your phone or computer all you need is knowlge of social media, determination to succeed and be willing to put yourself out there! It truly is just that! If this sounds like something for you please check out my site: www.youniqueproducys.com/ShellyMeldrum or message me thru this site! I look forward to answering your questions ! WHAT are you waiting for this is an amazing opportunity to change your life!
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