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The visionary mission of Karatbars International is to return gold to the people.  Karatbars International announces that on July 4, 2019, that day will become: 

The Gold Independence Day!!!!

Starting from the Gold Independence Day, every person will be able to exchange pure gold KBC at the rate of : 100 KBC = 1g of gold

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Let's go back and touch on why gold is a big deal...


Centuries ago, banks actually stored real money (GOLD) and gave their customers paper receipts, which made transferring and transporting easier??

As time went by, banks just began storing currency.  Unbacked fiat paper.  Paper currency is not money.  Also, it is listed as a liability on the Federal Reserve's website.  Go ahead and look it up for yourself.

In those days, the term "bank robbery" consisted of a man entering a bank with a gun, and stealing the paper currency.

Today, in the 21st century, the term "bank robbery" has a completely different meaning.  Now, to quote the popular Russian turn of phrase, "The bank robs you!"

I will close with this, in the words of Ms.  Taliban Asset Eyemshe, my business partner:

16 Lessons Rich Parents Teach Their Starseeds That the Poor Don't

1. Understanding how money works while the poor remain financially illiterate.

2. The difference between an asset and a liability

3. They're  not entitled to anything.

4. How to be sociable and connect with people.

5. Stop expecting immediate results.

6. How to create daily habits that gives incredible advantages in the long run.

7.  Money is a tool and it is a good thing.

8.  Increase income instead of lowering expenses (multiple streams)

9. Knowledge is more valuable than money.

10. Don't work for money, have money work for you.

11. Solving problems is the quickest way to get rich (top 3 niches: health, dating, work from home)

12. Don't wast time on things that do not correlate to the real world. 

13. How to use good debt instead of bad debt.

14. 80% of the results come from 20% of the effort.

15. Having money doesn't make you a better person, it just solves some of the problems.

16.  Raise your expectations.

With all of that being said, position yourself today to build wealth, with the best wealth building system today! 

Or don't...

Save Gold. Tell others. Make Money.

This article was published on 26.10.2018 by Racquel Fisher
Author's business opportunity:

Karatbars International - 24kt Gold; CashGold;, Free to join

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