Student Loan Reduction!
If you are struggling with student loan debt, I may have a solution for you. Three out of four college graduates are eligible and qualify for these savings! My company has partnered with just such an institution. Silver Lion Student Loan Advisors my be the answer you have been looking for. Could this be you, you son, your daughter, niece, nephew, or a good friend? A no-cost evaluation is available and waiting for you! Please contact me at for eligibility to participate in this program if you qualify. For more information. See the link below:
Student loan debt is approximately $1.6 trillion, and rising. This burden can affect your entire life. The way your feel, the way you act, the way you treat others. In a recent Forbe's article, it states "The latest student loan debt statistics for 2020 show how serious the student loan debt crisis has a become for borrowers across all demographics and age groups." (Zack Friedman, contributor, Feb 3, 2020). An average student loan balance is more than $34,000. This could be crippling to your future and your present state of mind. In March of this year, the US Government suspended loan payments and stoped collection and waived interest on Department of Education loans until the end of the year. This was made possible by the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) signed in to law this year. As a result of this action, you are safe for now, but, what happens when the pandemic is over, and the government wants you to start paying on your student loans? Why wait? In most circumstances, it is better to prepare rather that react, wouldn't you agree? We are in unprecedented times of change in our country, and we must be prepared to act responsibility. The forbarence and suspension of loans is ONLY temporary! Why not investigate your options and be ahead of the curve. The cost of higher education will continue to sky rocket with no end in sight! Just since 2008, the average tuition has gone up by 37%, how can one navigate that much of an increase? Let's have a conversation to see if I can help you or your family! To get more information on how to take advantage of the possible savings, please contact me at
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