Avon UK is looking for new representatives in all areas
Are you 18+ and living in UK?
Do you love the thrill of the next big sale?
Looking for a full time or part time income that gives you more time with your family?
Do you enjoy meeting new people and helping people look great?
Are you a hard worker and have the drive to succeed?
Could you hold a party at home or at a friends home to introduce them to some amazing new products?
If you answered yes to at least 3 of the above then this is the part time/full time opportunity to grow your own business your way for you. You'll be given your own online web store and plenty of training, both online and offline, along with as much support as you need to help you start making money straight away. No door knocking unless you want to, no targets and no pushing to build your own team unless you feel it's for you.
This is suitable for men and women, men are actually some of our top earners and we desperately need new Representatives in all areas. Christmas is one of our busiest times of the year and sales will be exploding, why not jump on board and make some extra cash for Christmas and beyond.
Now is a very exciting time to join my Avon team as we've just launched a brand new vegan and eco-friendly skincare range which is called Distillery and is branded as clean beauty without compromise. Endorsed by FRAME (they research alternative methods of testing that don't involve animals), FSC (they protect forests) and the Skin Cancer Foundation. Best of all we use no plastic in the packaging, glass jars for the lotions and cardboard boxes are all recyclable.
Ask yourself where you'll be this time next year, that's what I did and right now I couldn't be happier. Who can say that they actually enjoy getting up for work every day? I can and you could too.
Will it be easy? Not always
Will it be fun? Definitely and
Will it be worth it? Absolutely it will.
Stay at home mums or dads, college students, anyone who needs a sideline is very welcome.
If you'd like more information please message me or follow the link in this announcement. Thank you for your interest.
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