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Attract Prospects the Efficient Way

Here's a conversation you are probably familiar with in the direct sales, network marketing or MLM industry. This might even be you....

THEM: Hi, welcome to my Downline… You must be super excited. I am super excited for you. Are you ready to get started?

YOU: Of course, what do I need to do?

THEM: Great – here’s what you are going to do. Make a list of your closest friends and family, aim for about a hundred…. Just to start. Make sure you include your brother-in-law, your cousins from your mother’s and father's side, and even though you haven’t spoken to these people in years, you're gonna want to cold call them out of the blue and make them understand what a great opportunity this is, okay? Don't worry, we have a script to use for everybody.

    You are thinking … you pretty much want me to call my friends and family and try to strike up a genuine            conversation, using a script, and see if they want my products and opportunity. Doesn’t feel authentic to           me.   

YOU: Well, you are my upline and I'm brand new, so everything you say must be true. And you say 'follow the system' - call my one hundred closest friends and family and talk to everyone I see.

Your inner voice… Do I even have a hundred friends? Everyone is going to get annoyed with me, but I must remember, I’m not selling – just sharing. It is for their own good. I should call again and again and again and again… like spamming. Again, you are thinking they all said no, my Mom blocks me on Facebook but hey, I'm sure she'll come around because this is a proven system.

All of this sounds extremely exhausting and so unprofessional because if they say they aren’t interested I should go find people who want what we have to offer.

Your thinking is not wrong! There is a better way that utilizes technology combined with Attraction Marketing strategies to target and attract your ideal client. 

Stop using antiquated marketing methods. A system they tell you to follow with face-to-face encounters or phoning prospects. They are ineffective and inefficient. They cost you valuable time, and in business ‘time is money’.

Today’s technology is amazing and can do this for you. You don’t have to be a big corporate entity, have a big budget or specific skills.  You can use it today.

Learn the real sales formula: Connect, Engage, Share and Follow up. Digitize the entire process to maximize your outcome.

Imagine attracting interested leads, prospects and buyers that already demonstrated an interest before you even talk to them.

It is possible - let's get started right now with this free workshop - THE POWER FORMULA.

This article was published on 03.08.2021 by Victoria Boyd
Author's business opportunity:

Nowsite Marketing - Websites/ marketing, 47 USD to join

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