Who / What is Azur$ocial all about?
Azur$ocial has been developed to fill a void left by every social platform available on the web today. May sound like a bold statement because it is. We have recognized that all of the popular social sites have missed the most important feature that every member is in search of on a regular basis. Not one platform has given their members the means to earn money with them.
If you have kept up with the social network news lately, I will prove my point. Disney Corp. had it's sites set on purchasing Twitter and did their due diligence like all good corporations do. The one huge reason for not going through with this purchase is the one I've pointed out above. Twitter did not have a way for their members to earn money.
Azur$ocial shares 100% of it's advertising revenues with their active members and with selceted charities. We have also partnered with several free to join sites who pay in various ways to our members. By establishing several lines of income for our members we have positions Azur$ocial as a leader in social networking. This in effect has set the bar for current social sites to conform to or they too will see a drop in interest as witnessed by Twitter.
Azur$ocial offers other features that other sites charge a premium for. We do not ban advertising by our members nor do we limit the number of members you can be friends with like some sites do. Our family atmosphere encourages "sharing is caring" which is a large part of our mission. Friends inviting friends or word of mouth has proven to be a very effective way to grow a strong community that is based on relationship marketing and loyal friendships.
If you were there to buy Bitcoins for pennys or purchased stock in Amazon, Facebook or Google for a fraction of what they are worth today then good for you! Call them lucky or visionaries it doesn't matter. These trend setting opportunities did come their way and they stopped to take a look, thought there was merit and most importantly took action.
There is something is the same league ( or perhaps in a league of its own) you should have a free look at. It will mature, bloom and then flourish in a few years. Here is the link for a free look: www.azursocial.com
Take a few minutes to get registered and do your due diligence and make your dicision. Do youself a favor, don't look back with regret. Join us today!
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