Profiting With Bitcoin In Today's Market
Back in 2015, you could buy a single Bitcoin for between $200 and $300.
If you'd bought then and held your coins, today those coins would be worth around $33,000 each.
That's a Return on Investment (RoI) of over 13,000% in 5-6 short years.
Fantastic for those who held their nerve during those years and saw Bitcoin as a long-term investment and weren't swayed by the huge ups and downs it's seen over those years.
I actually started buying Bitcoin that year and, at one time, owned 10 coins.
But no, I didn't keep them since that time.
I actually sold all my coins in 2019 when they were valued at about $7,000 each because I needed to cover some large home renovation bills.
So I missed out on the $12,000 high that Bitcoin reached a couple of months later, and of course on the $40,000 per coin valuation early in January (2021).
But I can't complain. I saw a 2,800% RoI on my coins which is nothing to be sneezed at.
Investing In Cryptocurrencies:
Recently, I've had the opportunity to return to investing in cryptocurrencies.
The problem is that because Bitcoin, in particular, is so expensive, buying it directly to hold it (or hodl it) for the future is a risky proposition.
While Bitcoin's value swings wildly, it's overall price trend has been continuously upwards.
So will that trend continue into the future?
Who can say?
Even if it continues to rise in value to $250,000 as some pundits claim it will do, any investment made today would see a 750% RoI, pretty paltry compared to the historic RoI's seen in the past!
So buying and holding doesn't seem to be the best option for anyone looking at investing in Bitcoin today.
Trading Vs Buying And Holding:
A better strategy is trading Bitcoin (and other cryptocurrencies).
This way you can still make profits from trades, regardless of what direction the price of a cryptocurrency is moving.
There are two base currencies you can trade with - Bitcoin itself or USDT (US Dollar Tethered) which is a coin tethered 1-to-1 with the US Dollar.
But if you're not a professional trader or an experienced amateur trader, isn't this even riskier than buying and holding?
Yes, if you don't have an established trading strategy to follow.
And that's where iCoinPro steps into the picture.
They've been around since 2017 and provide training on all aspects of cryptocurrencies and how they work, along with trading strategies that are proven to work.
These strategies aren't based on making big profits from large price swings but on making an average profit of 1% over a long time to build up capital.
Obviously not all trades will be successful but there will be more successes than failures and the amount of cryptocurrency or regular Dollars/Euros/etc you hold will increase over time.
1% per day (on average) may not sound like a lot at first glance but the trick is that this is compound interest.
$100 invested for trading today would grow to $135 in 30 days.
In a year, it would grow to $3,778, a 3,700% RoI.
Now, these obviously aren't guaranteed returns as a lot depends on how good you are at implementing the strategies and how often you trade.
There are many members who have become full-time day-traders since 2017 after starting with as little as $50 or $100, never adding any more of their own money into the pot.
So, this is the tack I'll be taking.
It means I don't have to worry about the volatility of any particular cryptocurrency or worry about if the price of a coin suddenly drops through the floor (if my base trading currency is USDT).
Trading cryptocurrencies may have started out as a side-hustle for many of iCoinPro's members, but it's ended up changing their lives and leading to financial freedom for many of them.
Membership Levels:
There are several levels of membership:
- Free Membership - where you'll learn one basic trading strategy to start profiting from cryptos.
- Basic Membership ($9.95/mth) - get unlimited access to the community forum, Meetups, the Trading Buddy Program and training on all aspects of cryptocurrency.
- Basic+ Membership ($39.95/mth) - everything in the Basic Membership plus access to the Trade Finder software, the two money-making strategies in the Micro Profit system, access to the Profit/Loss tracking sheets, fees and compound returns calculators, weekly video training, access to the Advanced Training and Coin Watch.
- Full Access ($99.95/mth) - get access to the full Micro Profit System, access to all software and tools, trade live with other traders, access to all the archived training and much more.
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