Something different something new because normally you have to recruit to earn
online. Normally you have to pay a monthly auto-ship to maintain membership.
Most importantly you don't find an online business where everyone earns and every
member stays without canceling their membership. You make a one-time payment and
no more out of pocket payments. No monthly fees.
The business opportunity I present to you fulfills all the above and more. This business
benefits from the $5.3 trillion a day transactions on the Forex market and unlike other
Forex businesses you don't do the trading yourself where you risk losing your money. In this
business the professionals trade on your behalf with 90% positive results. You earn daily
and you are paid every Saturday without fail. You don't lose any money with this business.
This Forex business is a legitimate business with headquarters in RBS Tower in Panama city.
It is a world wide business currently operating in about 200 countries with close to 90,000
members globally after its pre-launch in July 2019.
After signing up you can purchase one of fifteen packages starting from the lowest $300 to
The biggest package of $100,000. It is the plan of owners to get every member up to the
$100,000 package. But note that you are making a one-time purchase and any upgrade
comes from earnings and not out of pocket.
Which ever package you purchase it is broken down into two parts. 70% goes to trading
automatically for you and you receive up to 15% on a weekly basis. 30% goes into the Academy
which is further broken down into a 15% fast start bonus and the other 15% into a Unilevel bonus.
It must be noted that if you don't want to recruit you are referred to as a bear and your earn not
only from trading on your behalf but there is a force matrix where you earn additionally.
If you come in as a customer only you receive double the package your purchase however if you
decide to be a bull, that is someone who decides to share the business, you receive four times the
package your purchase.
Out team which is the largest team in this Forex business has webinars 6 days a week with
the chance of guests winning a free membership for attending a webinar. Therefore please
connect with us to attend one of the webinars. To attend send us an email
Connect with us on Whatsapp 1-246-241-8101. You become a member here:
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