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Referral Business Help people look and feel better plus make an income

Many decades have past since I first ventured out into the world of business and I have certainly seen many along the way. Its very interesting that a large multinational corporation that employs 10's of thousands of people around the world and is a recognized leader in consumer sales barely shows up on the advertising scene. Most people will tell a friend about their shopping experience in this super store and recommend the latest sale or discount without giving a second thought to the idea of being paid by the company for sending them more business let alone the idea of being paid for shopping there themselves, Why is it that everyone overlooks this obvious loophole that many businesses create on purpose and are thrilled when someone utilizes it, I mean come on …. really.. it's stuff you're already buying at a place you already shop at and you are already telling your friends all about it …. why not just get paid...for it. It is certainly not rocket science I mean that requires complicated math formulas and real diligent work to accomplish whereas this requires no special skill other than communication and a friendly disposition. To be honest with ourselves it does require work after all no one gets rich by shopping now do they..? This is how a day in this business looks...! Pick up a smart device or phone or computer ….whatever..., look up a name like you would to contact anyone and you say hi someone, how's it going ? what are you up to today..? have you thought about blah blah blah ? wow that's amazing blah blah blah, I tried blah blah blah and it was amazing you should try it, wow really..? yeah really..!! Cool, here's a link with a discount for you have fun let me know how you like it. Dang that was pretty tough I think I will go lay down for a while to recover from the exhausting Think I will do that again, and again and ring, ring, ring … hello ? oh hey someone what did you like best about the blah blah blah ? wow that's amazing, hey someone did you know you can make money referring someone else to this place … yeah I know that is amazing yeah just go to the blah blah blah back office and become an associate …. yeah I know super easy right … yeah sure is..! Hey, if you tell 2 people in the same week and they shop there they will pay you $450 yeah I know its crazy right..? Seriously I did it again and again and they kept paying me, yeah im serious that's why im telling you...! Oh yeah and if you do that 2 times in the first 30 days they give you a discount plus a bonus and they keep paying you for all of the repeat business you brought them from before.. yeah I know that's amazing income ….. oh yeah …. having a great time doing this and I am thinking about retiring next year because the income from this just keeps getting bigger and bigger.  I can send you the link so you can get started right now, yeah really...oh and if you get started the right way and I can get you connected with a team of experts that will help you build an income, yeah seriously just get in touch with Jim and he will help you. Oh and here is that link that explains it.

This article was published on 10.12.2018 by Jim Gain
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